Supported Backup Applications


Hope you are doing well.

Can you please list down the most efficient backup applications that support storj?

rclone is much complex to handle, We need simple and handy to use app that we use store our backups.

We want to recover a file or a directory that was deleted a month or year ago, or older version of files so application should be able to keep the files with save on stoj and we just select the date for recovery push it on either original location or a different location.

We want to backup following on storj

  1. Data folder of nextcloud
  2. Config Folder
  3. Theme folder
  4. Database

I heard backup solutions like veam and symantec that can backup linux files & directories. But I need recommendations, so we can sleep easily no issue if server crashes.

We have a plan to purchase a storage but backup app solution is bottleneck, we need to test and satisfy fully our needs then we can make decision

Duplicati and Restic have native integrations for storj.

Hashbackup should be also possible. The developer has a thread in the forum.

Also you can also use the S3 Gateway. Many backuptools can backup to S3 compatible storage.

For nextcloud there is also the option to have the data folder on storj directly, which would be a backup in itself.


A post was split to a new topic: Use Storj with Duplicati for periodic data backups, have issues