[Tech Preview] Multinode Dashboard Binaries

You need to allow the multinode dashboard port TCP 15002 in your firewall.
I just checked and it works.

root@vmi1576767:~# ufw status
Status: inactive

Make sure that your user $(id -u):$(id -g) has an access to /opt/multinode, or make it the owner:

chown $(id -u):$(id -g) -R /opt/multinode

I read all the messages and I can’t find why the button to “add node” doesn’t do anything. I’m going to try the docker image to see if I have better luck.

Use the command on your node:

docker exec -it storagenode ./storagenode info --config-dir config

Then use the printed information to add a node to the multinode dashboard.
The external address you should add with a port (the docker node will not show it), it should be the same as the value of -e ADDRESS= option.

Try to use a different browser. I just checked - and it works.

the issue was that dashboard was accessible only from “localhost”, even if port was mentioned in this way: -p 15002:15002/tcp
resolved this by using nginx proxy manager

It’s also opening on the local IP. So likely the network configuration or firewall.
You may also specify the IP of your interface in the -p option: -p and it will listen only on that address and port.


Not sure what I’m doing wrong here to generate the json:

I’m running node version 1.95.1

Can anyone help out?

You missed the command info

Thanks, that was me being dumb.

A few questions, I couldn’t set it up on the same device that holds my 3 nodes because the public IP wouldn’t route properly. However, I was able to set it up outside of my network no problem. Any reason for that?

Also, this seems add to me:

I have so much empty space but can’t see all of my wallets at once?

You should be running all your nodes on the same wallet address as per Node Operators ToS


it’s the same wallet, I can DM you to confirm just don’t want to publicly show it. I have 3 nodes, all using the same wallet

Confused as you were referring to not being able to see ‘all my wallets’ . To me it sounds like you are using several wallet addresses.

I meant I can’t see them all on the one page - why do I need to go to page 2 to see my 3rd wallet entry?

you did answer yourself:

however, you may use a localhost (or instead of public IP, when you setup the multinode dashboard on the same host.
If your question was related to why your public IP is not routed properly inside your network, then the reason is your router. Not all routers are capable to perform a hairpin NAT.

You may submit a pull request with the fix or at least issue on our GitHub: Issues · storj/storj · GitHub - we are glad to accept the Community contribution!

I have 2 wallets listed too but I only have 1 wallet, isn’t that normal?

It looks like the same wallet, but it can be that 1 of your nodes have wallet with space in the end or beginning for example.

I tried that initially, and when entering nothing would happen it would just hang (from browser). And if I tried to add a node through the cli, it would complain about not receiving a valid tls handshake. Hence I found it odd.

I did open an issue about the wallet listing spacing.

I have 3 nodes, all have the same wallet, and each one created a different wallet entry in the list. I checked and there isn’t any whitespaces…

You need to specify it with the port, i.e.