Test Data on the Storj Network and Surge Payouts for Storage Node Operators

But if this is the case, wouldn’t be a solution easily be possible? Node knows which satellites exist, node knows from which satellites data is stored and node knows how much space is left. So when a node fills up, for the last remaining 5GB or something, he could report “space full” to all satellites he has already data from and “space available” to only those satellites that are missing or he carries only very few data. Maybe even SNO could set the threshold (vetting space).

With this a SNO could make sure that his node keeps receiving data but also that he receives data from all satellites so he keeps getting vetted on all satellites.

And even if a new satellite pops up, node would recognize that data is missing for this satellite. As soon as space gets available e.g. if customer deletes a few GBs, the node would reserve the vetting space for the new satellite and thus make sure, that the node has a chance to get vetted on the new satellite even if it is full.

How does this sound?