Test native token payments on QA satellite

Native token payments is ready for production. Time for one last test round. The more volunteers we can get the better. I would like to test if our system can handel multiple concurrent payments from different users. And while you are on it please also give us feedback about anything that looks strange to you.

The QA satellite is open for public registration: QA-Satellite

For native token payments we will use the görli testnet. I have deployed a STORJT token with a mint function. That way you can mint yourself some test tokens. If you don’t know how to call the mint function you can also just drop a message in this thread and I can send you some test token. TestnetERC20Token | Address 0xb42A756d89f6660663018760AE25855bE6Ca6D06 | Etherscan

Good luck everyone.

Edit: Oh and you will need some görli ETH. You can get it here: https://goerli-faucet.pk910.de/