Test plan for geofencing

We would like to get your feedback on the geofencing test plan. In the furture we are planning to use github markdown for the test plan and a forum thread for the feedback similar to the blueprint workflow. At the moment we haven’t switched to github markdown but we don’t want to miss out the feedback opportunite. I hope the following test plan copy is in a readable format. Please let us know if you have any question or even better identify missing tests.

I added a few links to existing tests around our current node selection. Please note that the existing tests are without geofence. I was hoping that we could extend some of the existing tests with additional geofence filtering instead of multiplying the number of tests.

Storagenode Checkin

First Checkin: Two storage nodes checkin for the first time. One is using some kind of DynDNS the other one a static ip. Geolocation works for both.
Geolocation Changed: Storage node checks in with a DynDNS entry for the first time. Geolocation gets set. Storage node changes the IP address of the DynDNS entry. Audit job tries to connect to the storage node, finds out about the new ip address and I assume the audit job updates the ip in the cache? Now we have the perfect setup. Storage node checks in again. Everything is matching except the geolocation. We shouldn’t be lazy and always check the current geolocation even if we believe it hasn’t changed. Should update the new geolocation. Does it need to get flushed to the database? I would expect so.
Suppress DB Writes: Storage node checks in a second time. This time no changes including no geolocation update. Should not get flushed to the database.
Lookup Failed: Storage node checks in with a DynDNS entry. Lookup failes. Should not set geolocation. Well it can’t because we don’t have an IP address anyway.
Pingback Failed: Storage node checks in but the pingback failes. We know the IP address but we should not set the geolocation.

Bucket Config:

Bucket New: Create a new bucket. Geolocation can be set.
Bucket not Empty: Create a new bucket and upload a file. Geolocation can’t be set because of the first upload.
Bucket Empty: Create a new bucket, upload a remote file and delete the file. Geolocation can be set because bucket is empty.
Pending Multipart Upload: Create a new bucket, upload a remote file with more than one segment, cancel the upload. Geolocation can’t be set because of the pending multipart upload.

Customer Upload

Remote Segment: Create 2 buckets one with geolocation and one without geolocation. Upload a remote file with multiple segments to each bucket. Verify the location of each piece.
Server Side Move: Create 3 buckets two of them with geolocation and one without geolocation. Upload a remote file to each bucket. Server Side Move should only work between buckets with the same geolocation. It should be impossible to move a file out or into the one bucket without geolocation. https://review.dev.storj.io/c/storj/storj/+/6354/6/satellite/metainfo/metainfo_test.go
Server Side Copy: Same as for Server Side Move.
Nodeselection Fill With Vetted Nodes: Requires a test network that has enough vetted and unvetted nodes but noth enough unvetted nodes inside the geolocation. Verify that the nodeselection will fill the missing slots with vetted nodes. storj/state_test.go at 696b8f0d8eab883d0f81a9d7875854516b52c7f5 · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection Not Enough Vetted Nodes: Test network with enough vetted and unvetted nodes but we can’t seleted enough nodes within the geolocation. Upload should error out. Do not compromise geolocation. Better return an error to the customer. storj/state_test.go at 696b8f0d8eab883d0f81a9d7875854516b52c7f5 · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection Not Enough Free Space: storj/selection_test.go at fb604be460ac04acc030768c9dfc6d819eff1f4f · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection >4 Hours Offline Nodes: storj/selection_test.go at fb604be460ac04acc030768c9dfc6d819eff1f4f · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection Suspended Nodes (failed audits): storj/service_test.go at fb604be460ac04acc030768c9dfc6d819eff1f4f · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection Suspended Nodes (downtime): storj/service_test.go at fb604be460ac04acc030768c9dfc6d819eff1f4f · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection Disqualified Nodes: storj/disqualification_test.go at fb604be460ac04acc030768c9dfc6d819eff1f4f · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection Same Subnet: storj/state_test.go at 696b8f0d8eab883d0f81a9d7875854516b52c7f5 · storj/storj · GitHub
Nodeselection Equal Chance: storj/selector_test.go at 696b8f0d8eab883d0f81a9d7875854516b52c7f5 · storj/storj · GitHub


Nodeselection: Upload a file with multiple remote segments (multiple segments to eliminate random luck) to a bucket with geolocation. Kill a few pieces and trigger repair. After repair verify that all pieces are still stored in the geolocation.
Filter Out Same Subnet: Upload a remote file to a bucket with geolocation. Kill a few pieces and trigger repair. Available nodes for repair upload are partially in the same subnet. Verify that repair uploads the new pieces only to the correct geolocation but it doesn’t store multiple pieces of the same segment on the same subnet.
Not Enough Nodes: Upload a remote file to a bucket with geolocation. Kill a few pieces and trigger repair. There are enough nodes globally but not enough nodes in the geolocation. Repair job should finish with less than success threshold but still take the pieces that it was able to upload.
Fill With Vetted Nodes: Test not needed. Duplicate to customer uploads.

Graceful Exit

Nodeselection: Upload a file with multiple remote segments (multiple segments to eliminate random luck) to a bucket with geolocation. Call graceful exit on one of the storage nodes. Verify the location of all pieces after graceful exit.
Filter Out Same Subnet: Upload a remote file to a bucket with geolocation. Call graceful exit on one of the storage nodes. Some of the available storage nodes have the same IP subnet. They should not get selected for graceful exit upload.
Not Enough Nodes: Upload a remote file to a bucket with geolocation. Call graceful exit on one of the storage nodes. Nodes outside the geolocation are available but not a single storage node inside the geolocation. Graceful exit should finish successful without having to transfer the piece. Do not penalize the storage node for our mistake.

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Sounds like a rare edge case which an libuplink user can’t really test against. It would be technically the same as the whole network running out of vetted nodes in a non-geofencing upload, but might happen more often due to a more limited supply of nodes.

Does libuplink even publish a list of error codes that the libuplink user can code/test against?

Murphy’s law :smiley:

How about this: uplink/common.go at edcbb16ab413b467a8ac3e7484d70894a56a67e1 · storj/uplink · GitHub

It is not the full list of errors but a good starting point to dig deeper.


What happens when I use Starlink to host a node? Can you determine my location then?

https://review.dev.storj.io/c/storj/storj/+/6316 implements tests for:


https://review.dev.storj.io/c/storj/storj/+/6354 implements a test for:

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As I understand how this should work -

  1. I create a bucket and set it to “only store files in country X” and another bucket that does not have this restriction.
  2. I upload a file to the restricted bucket, it gets stored in country X.
  3. I decide to move the file to the unrestricted bucket. The move should succeed, because the destination bucket does not have any restrictions. The file becomes a normal, unrestricted file and may be redistributed to any node during repair.

However, if I upload a file to the unrestricted bucket (meaning it gets stored anywhere), I should not be able to move it to a restricted bucket.

I should be able to move a file between restricted buckets if the restrictions are compatible - for example, move a file from “store only in Germany” bucket to “store only in the EU” bucket, but not back.

Yes you should but that is not implemented in the first MVP. As far as I understand server side move should only work if the geo restrictions keeps the same.

We don’t have yet a lot of knowledge and experience on how this feature would be used, so in the MVP we would like to keep it more restricted. Later, it would be easier to loose restrictions, if necessary.

There are two reasons for keeping it like this for now:

  1. It keeps the move action reversible. If you are able to move an object to a less restricted bucket, you won’t be able to move it back.
  2. Moving the object to a less restricted region may be actually undesired, and if done by accidence, may cause compliance issues.

This feature is about being cautious about where the data is stored, so we prefer to stay cautious about moving the data too.


In the future you could make such a move possible with a --ignore-region option or something. That way it’s at least intentional. You can have a description of that option clarify that it only works in one direction to a less restricted region.


If you are running a testnet node located outside of Germany please take a minute to check your logfiles. I would like to know if geofencing is working. More details here: Release preparation v1.44 - #2 by littleskunk