The Polygon L2 is several orders of magnitude easier from an end-user perspective

3 posts were split to a new topic: Tezos for payouts

Yep I can see the livegoats on our end. So it works.

This means there is a lot of noise in the community around different payout options but just a small subset is running a storage node at the end.

Either that or they’ve not bothered to add it to their settings/command. Seems weird to expect others to build in an entirely new payout option if you’re not willing to change a single setting yourself though.

Careful now… with such a ringing endorsement people may think you are shilling for them :wink:


How do you do this correctly if each different payment method uses a different wallet?

What percentage of SNO’s use the forum again? I don’t even see 2000 active users here.

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Actually I didn’t know it was possible to suggest payout options that way. I’ll do it when I have the time but restarting the node is a bit annoying because of the filewalker…

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I don’t get that question. Wasn’t one of the selling points that you can use the same wallet address with polygon? Did I get that wrong?

I was expecting that more than 1 storage node operator is active in this thread. Think about it this way. What is needed for storj labs to implement your prefered payment option? Just a thread in the forum where we don’t even know how many paticipants are running a storage node at all? I think the best approach would be to use the already existing wallet_feature list. I can write a query and present it to upper management. I would like to show upper management how much fees they can save by implementing polygon.

Another reason why I am looking into our database is because I have questions myself. I read this thread and understand the benefits of polygon. So far nobody is willing to mention the downsides. Even I have no intension to start a conversation about the downsides. Why should I? I see no benefit in such a conversation. Instead I just don’t add it to any of my storage nodes and thats my response to this thread. So that is another good reason to take a look at the wallet_feature data without all the communication side effects we would find in this thread.


polygon sure isn’t running flawless on golem these days, but if that’s the polygon network fault or golem labs or maybe a bit of both… most likely the latter.
we have been seeing payments stall or not go through for whatever reason, but it sure is cheap in fees when working and being able to swap to matic which is supported on exchanges is a big deal imo.

also i heard that polygon is centralized, so that is… either a positive or a negative… i’m sure that depends on who is looking at it… one thing is sure, that centralized solutions when it comes to transfers are often very fast in a general sense.

i might be open to using polygon, thus far what i’ve seen about polygon has be pretty positive… but i must admit i haven’t changed my run command to reflect that.

maybe a more conventional feature request vote would make it look more promising, i think people aren’t very likely to change their run command without being forced to do so.

Changing the run command would show more commitment then just clicking the vote button without really caring.

As you say yourself, you might be open. That’s not a definitive answer. Many people might be open. That doens’t help storj to decide if development ressources should be delegated towards this topic.

I don’t remember if there was a vote for zksync, also didn’t find any. If there was a vote would be interesting to know how many voted and how many enabled zksync.


I’ll answer the other part separately. I cannot answer for other SNO’s but in my case my Polygon wallet is on MEW. MEW doesn’t support zksync natively so my zksync wallet is in Numio. So, in my individual case I have different wallets for different Layer 2’s.

I think it is highly likely it is a Golem issue.

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As far as the community was concerned there never was a clear majority in favor of zksync. It was imposed due to the costs involved by Storj as they wanted to pay transfer fees in Storj tokens.

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No one is gonna put polygon in there storj config until its announced its going to be a payout method period. For one we have to use a exchange wallet to keep fees down so then we would need to switch wallets for use with polygon. So without an announcement no one is gonna do this.


I think I did considering the recent hack and the 2 million dollar loss they sustained.

Again, i can’t speak for other SNO’s but I probably make changes to my nodes no more than once a month. I would be very unlikely to stop a node and adjust the start command just for a flag to change payment method for an unannounced and unofficial vote.

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Ok got it. That means I am unable to push this topic. The only other option you all have is to start a vote here in the community and hope for the best. Even if you get a lot of votes I don’t think it will change much. I wish you all good luck.

And what do you suggest?

We have not had a voting for zkSync, but we have had several suggestions to use it. Then we studied their solution for a while and decided to work with them.

If you have several nodes, you can specify a new wallet feature for another one.

Ok, I moved this topic to the voting category, so now you can use a forum feature to vote for this option.
But I think specifying wallet feature would be much better for reporting.


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Golem doesn’t use Polygon for anything except as a method of payment. There are no smart contracts running on any blockchain supporting Golem. The payment issues with Golem are 100% the fault of the Golem client software, which is not integrated at all with any blockchain. This is somewhat similar to STORJ tokens. However, Storj payment systems are integrated into the blockchain. There are smart contracts as a component of the Satellite payment systems to SNOs.

Polygon is a Proof of Stake Ethereum blockchain. It is not centralized. Anyone can run a node, just like in Ethereum Mainnet. Polygon’s low fees are a result of the Proof of Stake blockchain. Mathematically, a PoS blockchain is not as secure as a Proof of Work blockchain. However, the PoS chain uses less energy and has the potential to be very fast.

  • Export the private MEW private key
  • Import into Metamask or Brave Wallets or any number of other wallets
  • Access the zkSync wallet via their web site using the same wallet address

Polygon hack info:

It’s useful to remember that crypto has many hacks/heists/security problems. All blockchains have had something go wrong. In this case, Polygon paid the whitehat groups a bug bounty and fixed the problem with their blockchain within 24 hours. That’s a tremendous accomplishment. A 800,000 MATIC loss isn’t too bad, considering the historical hacks across the blockchain-sphere.

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