I want to create a second node, its in another location, has a different connection and different external IP. Can I use the same key that was sent by email to generate a second identity?
sorry for asking this (already answered question) I got a little excited, I have already installed everything required on my second server, now waiting for the approval.
you can request another auth token now with the same email address. However, unless you already claimed the last token you had previously requested to run a node, you would not get a new token but the same one again. So first finish signing the identity and bringing one node online before you request another auth token with the same email. In any case, it is not going to get you more data if you start running multiple nodes on the same IP and location. Best to wait with starting a second node until the first is almost full.
I know all issues about running more nodes under one IP, however I decided to run second node, I tried to make new identity, but I received some error (below), did I get it right? that I have to delete first identity from original location? I got it already in different folder.
thank you,
doesn’t matter where I am trying to create, still same,…I must doing something wrong…any advices how to create 2nd identity on machine?
you cannot use the same identity for two nodes. You need to request a new auth token for the second node and use it to sign a new identity for the second node.
This comand will create indentity to folder
if you already created befor, then in that map there is files, rename ther Indentity folder to indentity1 problem wil be solved, new one will be in map Indentety