Token and Identity

Do you have an unused token maybe? I tried both of my emails and they both worked instantly.

just tried with chrome lets see what happens
well that worked very fast

I have encounter a problem while trying to authorize the new identity in PS were it was created error identity.exe not recognized as cmdlet @Alexey

If you run it in the powershell, please, run the command for powershell from the same folder, where is you unpacked it

I created the identity in PS and tried to authorize it using the PS cmd from the getting started from the token email (./identity.exe authorize storagenode + token) and got the identity.exe not a recognized cmdlet

Please, give me result of this command

ls identity*
Directory: C:\Users\Administrator

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

-a---- 1/30/2020 7:06 PM 17115120 identity_windows_amd64.exe
-a---- 2/17/2020 5:13 PM 6211233

You can try to use

instead of identity.exe or download a new version from the documentation.

thank you that worked, since I have your attention I don’t have to start this node immediately or be penalized for down time hope I have a few hours of time

The identity is registered on the satellites when you bring it online

thanks :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I know this is an old thread, but I just figured something out that I thought I would share.

Today I decided to go ahead and generate a new identity (third for me) on my more powerful PC as it’s a hell of a lot quicker than on my RPi’s. I created my second one on the same PC, and while trying to execute the window’s powershell command, I was getting errors that stated, “Error: CA certificate and/or key already exists, NOT overwriting!” At first I was a little puzzled, although I quickly realized that the second identity folder was still located in the …/AppData/Roaming/Storj folder on the PC, so after removing that, since it has already been moved to the RPi node, the powershell command started right up.

Again, not sure how many people would run into this, but thought it might be worth noting for future folks who might run into the same issue and come to this forum to search for an answer/solution.

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You can actually create identities with any name. So identity create storagenode2 would have created a new folder with the new identity without overwriting.