Update to 1.1.1

5 posts were split to a new topic: INFO piecestore upload canceled

I don’t find any messages about api changes about payments.
I don’t see any bindings in api for payments. What did you do under the carpet, only for your html webui?

You do not respect us, who writes third-party tools for the storj?

7 days into version 1.1.1 - Windows GUI client still has NOT updated.
It’s showing notification of new v1.1.1 version (top right corner) being available but as instructed above - it SHOULD auto-update. The auto-update has not happened for a week now.

So how do I update the Windows GUI node automatically without going into manual hacking? Wait more?

Open the page in chrome, hit F12 to open developer tools, go to the network tab to find all API calls the page makes.
There are no amounts in there from what I can tell. Which suggests that they calculate it based on used storage and bandwidth. You could dig through the source to find out exactly how, but I didn’t feel like going that far. So I’ll leave that part up to you.

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Restart the updater, works on win10

Service “storagenode-updater” was NOT running (although it was set to “Automatically”).
Started the service manually, node finally updated.
Thx for the tip.

Thanks, i found query http://xx/api/heldamount/paystubs/2020-04
But i receive null for all nodes.

Yes, the paystubs table in the database on our nodes is still empty. I think some work needs to be done to backfill that. This is also why the dashboard displays wrong information for anything related to held back amount and there are no historic months available yet. I’m sure that’ll be remedied shortly though.