Updated Firewall Issue

Hello: I recently upgraded to pfSense and am still learning. I have my ports forwarded with NAT, but still getting this on my dashboard.

I’m hoping this info may indicated precisely what is still misconfigured.

Also, the logs have this error:

491 2024-02-05T04:14:47.203776821-05:00 2024-02-05T09:14:47Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {“process”: “storagenode”, “Satellite ID”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, “attempts”: 2, “error”: “ping satellite: failed to ping storage node, your node indicated error code: 0, rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:28967: connect: connection timed out”, “errorVerbose”: "ping satellite: failed to ping storage node, y>

I removed my ID and IP.

Do I need to create an Allow ICMP rule in the firewall, perhaps?

Thank you.

It seems that your port forwarding is not working.

I have my port forwarding set up just as in other cases that are working. This is current config:

Anything look wrong? ( is the IP of the device running Storj.)

Thank you!

I should have included the headings:

Try to check and make sure your external IP address is in the config.yaml?

Not sure if this is relevant, but I use no-ip for DDNS and am running ddns-updater, which seems to be working.

Not sure how to access the config.yaml file. Only about a year into this world. Running this on TrueNAS.

I don’t know much about Windows but you may find the config.yaml file somewhere in your storagenode folder. Open it with a text editor and make sure your external ip address (or no-ip ddns domain if you use ddns) is set at “contact.external-address”. Then restart the node.

So TrueNAS Scale is a linux-based OS that uses Docker for Storj. I’m familiar with moving around in Linux, but Docker is still unfamiliar to me.

Besides port forwarding (and the firewall rules that are generated from that), is there anything else I have to create an Allow rule for?

Worried that I may just be blocking something unknowingly.

Now my node isn’t even deploying, and I changed nothing in the node itself–just added some firewall rules :frowning:

May you post the docker run command? (without private parts, like email and wallet)

Happily! Could you guide me a bit? Still very unfamiliar with using docker in TrueNAS.

Its the command to start the node. something like

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped
-p 28967:28967
-e WALLET=“0x0E670e84b6D11416A19602daA77d648fEfd42aaa”
-e EMAIL="myemail@gmail.com"
–mount type=bind,source=“C:\Users\Kaevandus\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode”,destination=/app/identity
–mount type=bind,source=“E:\Storj\”,destination=/app/config --name

(this is an not working sample)

Don’t worry, i know much less than you :sweat_smile:

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On TrueNAS I never actually have to use docker commands to start the node. All the flags are set on the TrueNAS configuration for the node (none of which I have changed, since switching firewalls).

is your ddns updater in the firewall configured?

Yea, it seems to be working. I’m using ddns-updater within TrueNAS, connected to no-ip. I will check no-ip to be sure it is up to date.

Is this an router-firewall al in one or is the router separated from the firewall?

It’s both firewall and router: pfSense.

I checked no-ip, and it has updated to my current public IP.