Watchtower is not doing anything for me, and it logs nothing. Storagenode logs don’t show anything related to watchtower that I can see. Is there a troubleshooting guide?
Watchtower is working fine. It doesn’t log anything unless it finds a newer image it can update.
And in the storagenode logs you won’t find anything about watchtower.
Have you set it up correctly from the documentation ?
Yes, of course. To the letter.
Then I would like to suggest you to stop and remove the current watchtower container, pull a new version and run it again.
3 posts were split to a new topic: My current version of storj node is 1.1.1. However, I am getting alerts that i should update to 1.3.3
I have new pulled a new copy of watchtower thrice, and still the same issue.
In this most recent instance, I waited until a notification of new version appeared on my v1.1.1 node, then stopped watchtower, removed the existing image, pulled the latest and otherwise followed all the watchtower instructions in the FAQ to the letter, and have now let it run for 13 hours (wanted >12 in case I just missed the 6 hour cycle if it’s absolute rather than relative).
Nothing in docker logs.
Ignore the notification there is a bug that notifies SNOs even when their node isn’t selected for update.
If you have setup watchtower then it will update automatically. Docker images are rolled out at the last. When they are released your watchtower will update it. Please be patient.
It finally updated this past weekend. Thanks!