What daily ingress rates are you getting?

Just curious, trying to get a feel for the network, now that the test data spikes seem to be gone. What is the average daily ingress you are getting per node (/IP address)?

Please post your daily rate and approximate geographic location.

I’m at 150-200 GB/day, Netherlands.

Appears you are filtering for exress+ingress, so i’ll report both. About the same here in central usa, 120-180

Long-term average/estimate is 10GB/IP/day: more here.

5-8Mbps/IP most of the day, or close to 2Mbps/IP the rest of the day.

Rome, Italy, 180Mbs/17Mbs 4 nodes on the same IP

Two locations with 3 and 6 Nodes.

~90GB ingress and ~20GB egress per day per node, in NA.

In terms of stored data growth (i.e. ingress less deletes and garbage collection), it’s around 50GB/day on average.

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my graph shows a little over 30GB ingress per day on the IP’s that have a single node.

and then on the IP that has five nodes about 20GB per day per node.

around 20 or 30mbps momentary ingress traffic across all 8 nodes.