Somone famously said: “its a biiiiiiiiiig club, and you ain’t in it”"
The market is saturated, and the variety is huge, and the marketing is monopolised by few bigest players.
At this point i would suggest to use trust language.
Because when handling the data, people want a trust, a reliability.
I would suggets to start exposing something like:
“Storj - continuously steadfast for 9 years”
or whatever years it is.
because when ppl sees Storj web site for the first time, automatically thinks it must be new, because they never saw it. And they are not interested off the bat.
Because they want stable established company that they can trust.
Not some 2-3 years newborn.
But if they also see, its on the market for e.g. 9 years, that hits some FOMO,
like “how come i didn’t know?”
“i better check what i’m missing and catch up”
especially if theres some epic statements for example like “no file ever lost”
Besides, i don’t know if its too cheap.
i know ppl can pay any price for what they really value, or need.
seems like they don’t want to pay for traffic, if they can go, where they don’t pay.
I think paying right away for traffic is bad offer.
Ppl want to be able to NOT pay for some minimum thresholds.
There should be some min. GB a month of free traffic, to give ppl a CHANCE to start using the service, BEFORE they nest for good.
Thats the main reason in my opinion:
PPL choose whats free in first place, so theres really no CHANCE to choose storj, because they are already bound to others and they don’t have reasons to change anything (right? moving out is additional problem, and we don’t want those!)
i personally as a SNO would opt in to offer even FREE traffic, if only ppl want to bring data to me. So as well i agree to offer SOME free traffic as well. Not all egress traffic need to be paid, imho.
Those 30 days free trials or so, are maybe nice, but don’t hit the point.
For an user i want a service i can actually have a fair chance to use, over lets say 4-12 months to get the feeling. Without stress or rush. 30 days its not enough if someone is busy developing a project. Its go by soo fast. Making an App and testing i’m busy by my work, and i want service i can sign up and ALWAYS have some free use under pay table radar, untill i know im serious and im ready to go over the surface, public. (to launch a product beta or smth, when im ready to pay for the traffic, because im starting to offer a product, so customers starts to pay me from this point, and not earlier, speaking of small dev teams, and not backed by some venture)
Like 100GB a month always for free, under the paying radar, to get the feeling.