When will Stefan Benten satellite be removed?

My logs are full of error regarding that satellite. Why does it take ages to remove it from the network?

Yeah well Iā€™m on 1.14.7 and still got lots of errors contacting that satellite and it is still shown on the dashboard. So obviously 1.14.1 didnā€™t quite fix that.


Yup, same here. Still trying to contact Sat 118ā€¦without success of course!

The above linked PR has been reverted.

It does fix it! The Problem that was solved is that previously we were unable to remove it from the trusted-satellites list as the dashboard stoppen working.
Once the majority has updated, we will remove it and everything should be fine.

Or maybe it would be easier to bring him back to life? :slight_smile: sorry i miss him ā€¦ :sleepy:

yes sorry, it fixes that bug but not (yet) the error messages we are all seeing.

yeah I was hoping weā€™d see a new project shortly after it being shut down but who knowsā€¦ maybe a christmas present? :smiley:

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Going by the fact that Stefan just responded, Iā€™d say he luckily still seems to be very much alive.

As for the satellite, thatā€™s supposed to be coming back too. Bigger and better Iā€™m sure.


Lol, would @peem be one of the ā€œluckyā€ ones who has their mother tongue that has this incredible feature of putting a gender on objects? :smiley:

Itā€™s true that logs get a lot of errors, but right now (in my case) weā€™re talking about a few hundreds of MB per month, so itā€™s not really a big deal as long as logrotate is configured to get rid of older logsā€¦ And for those using the default logging system (via docker), they get deleted quite regularly when nodes get updated anyway.

So itā€™s not a huge problem IMHO ^^


I am planning on removing the ID tomorrow from the list. The majority of nodes should have updated by then (cadence time for docker nodes to update to v1.14.7).
If afterwards node operators start to complain about an non functional dashboard, then we (and by this i mean everyone active in this forum) first need to help them update :slight_smile:

When the ID is removed from the trusted-satellites list, the error is gone!


i can report that the stefanbenten satellite has vanished from my dashboard, nor is it any longer present in the logsā€¦ and everything seems to work fine ā€¦

didnā€™t need to update anythingā€¦ but i was at 1.14.7


I can confirm, we removed the satellite from the list a little earlier today, as the majority is updated as mentioned above. :muscle:


Itā€™s disappeared from the payout history too


I just noticed a minor thing. Whenever I refresh the dashboard in the browser I see this line in the logs.

2020-10-16T13:36:48.438Z WARN console:service unable to get Satellite URL {ā€œSatellite IDā€: ā€œ118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAWā€, ā€œerrorā€: ā€œstorage node dashboard service error: trust: satellite "118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW" is untrustedā€, ā€œerrorVerboseā€: ā€œstorage node dashboard service error: trust: satellite "118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW" is untrusted\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/trust.(*Pool).getInfo:228\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/trust.(*Pool).GetNodeURL:167\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/console.(*Service).GetDashboardData:160\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/console/consoleapi.(*StorageNode).StorageNode:44\n\tnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP:2042\n\tgithub.com/gorilla/mux.(*Router).ServeHTTP:210\n\tnet/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP:2843\n\tnet/http.(*conn).serve:1925ā€}

Looks like something is still looking for the satellite. Not a big deal of course, but I figured Iā€™d mention it.

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Thats how we fixed the intermediate error for now. We are still looking for a good solution how to show untrusted satellites going forward.
This will be especially important for community satellites in the future :slight_smile:


just caught that one scrolling over my color logs, red lines on a small screen, fullscreen and freeze frame
xD so going to expand on this monitoring concept

seems like the same warning, so i wonā€™t post itā€¦ was a bit disappointed i wasnā€™t firstā€¦

I just noted. But I donā€™t think itā€™s wise to handle it this way.

Now even older payout history has no more data from that satellite. i canā€™t check if the held amount was paid. I cannot even verify any payment.

I think a satellite should not disappear completely like this. Any previous payments/transactions should remain traceable. Or maybe I missed a way to check?


You still can check your history, but only with a Earnings Calculator:

Itā€™s disappeared only from the dashboard.
I hope this would be fixed.

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well it is the first satellite being removed from the network, i guess itā€™s to be expected that there will be a few loose connections here and thereā€¦

on the other hand considering how much whine and wasted time it missing from the payout history is going to cause, getting it fixed might be a efficient idea.

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