Where is all this traffic coming from?

Can anyone tell me why traffic rate is already pretty high?
My node transmitted more than 1TB bandwidth in a few days. Is this really data being used by other people, or is this also my node syncing data with other nodes?

no, there is no replication on v3.
The amount of traffic shouldn’t be a problem as you have specified how much you can allow when you installed Storj ? As long as this value is below your threshold this is not problem, correct?
My node has transfered 21TB since 1th of Jan

wow where are you located? I only transfered 800GB yet

I think he means 21TB*H

it that’s true then it is an unimportant value.

One of our developers switched all their loadgen VPS from mixed traffic to download only. They are downloading right now with around 30Gbit/s random files from storage nodes


Yeah im pretty sure no one has transfered that much in 8 days already Im pretty sure everyone is around 1TB mark so far though im about 1.9TB transfered this month so far

We hope it will be as long as posible, you testing posible trafic speed?

Not a specific test. Making SNO’s happy with traffic :slight_smile: To test the max speed they would need much more VPS because they are limited on CPU right now.

we are realy happy, hope it will continue long long time

I see big difference on trafic on raspberry node and windows node, windows about 1,3 time powerfull than raspberry.

Taking a bit of a guess here, but thanks @stefanbenten for the traffic :slight_smile:

Storj is being pretty good to us atm, before the surge payouts are even phased out, it’s more than compensated by massive downloads. My expected earnings for this month are already nearing the total earnings of last month.

In short, I’m definitely a happy SNO!

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It at least comes via my satellite :slight_smile:


I would like to thank you Storjlings for make us SNO happy and more profitable :wink:

Are there any expections about the traffic on launch this month?