Where is API key?

Good afternoon! I registered an account on tardigrade. I looked at the tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjaza32elJM at 1: 40 there is a screen, where there is a tab “API keys”, I get after logging in to https://preview.redd.it/eykp4dpcvlh61.png?width=1805&format=png&auto=webp&s=091df021032fde8fce82b6210dd42addd205d0cd And I can’t get to the “api keys”. How can I create an API key on the site?

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Me too, any help appreciated. I have not been able to properly configure the uplink.

Navigate to Access Grants tab on the left and follow the instructions. Make sure you save your 12 word passphrase. Access Grant is only shown once so save it in a secure place.


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I already did this, but there was no api keys, I entered different values when connecting via the terminal. But there was always the error " invalid api key format"

This is a known bug:

Clear browser cache or log in to the dashboard on a private window, and it should be fine.


Hello @vrk and @GFite,
Welcome to the forum!

Sorry for confusion. There are two types of access grants - the full version (includes encryption phrase) and short version (requires to setup the encryption phrase) - token.
If you want to have an interactive setup of uplink, you need a token, it is compatible with API keys, and use uplink setup wizard
If you want to do a non-interactive setup, you need a normal access grant and you can import it to the uplink


thank you! With uplink all ok! :grinning: it"s work))

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can you tell, how I can list files in bucket?
“uplink ls” - list only bucket. In my bucket 2 files, I want to share one of them.

uplink ls sj://test/

Where sj://test/ is a bucket name

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