Where is the growth for the public network?

After the last Bloom filter my total used space over all nodes has returned to the values of 1st January 2025.
Despite we have Storj officials claim there is substantial growth.


At least on my nodes I see ZERO evidence of such a claim. The only “growth” happens when US1 does not send out Bloom filters.


I am requesting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) with the following Storj officials (not limited), representatives and individuals: @John, Storj Sales&Marketing, Storj Investors, @super3, @colbywinegar, @BenGolub, @DeanArchibald. The purpose of this AMA would be to seek a detailed explanation and clarification on the claims regarding the growth of the public storage network, and to provide transparency and insight to the community.

At the same time I am reaching out to the Storj node operator whales @syncamide for support. It can’t go on like this.


Yeah I’m with JWvdV: this is silly. Storj is a private company and they’re not going to have their sales/marketing/management teams expose their corporate financials to randos on the Internet :wink: . Like… why? Dumb idea.

Any SNO that feels it’s no longer worth it to provide space… can just leave. It’s OK.

If they do think it’s still worth it: they know turning off nodes doesn’t get them paid :money_mouth_face:


Yeah let’s show StorJ that they are vulnerabel and let’s risk them to loose access to pieces, so the customer will see that their data is not safe. So they will decide to move to a competitor where date is safe. Wait a moment, they will leave and take their data with them? That was not planned.

You get the point, that this is kinda a stupid idea


yea i mean some SNOs are very committed, and constant to push for Storj’s success like @jammerdan i can understand those emotions.
I’m similar. Just took the approach “take it or leave it” from some time. The Network working better and better every day, its just some of us, who would like to get more in touch with the new CEO i guess. We would like to hear more good news from You Colby, im sure Your natural enthusiasm will dispel any doubts one might have.

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I can understand that some may have frustration. They constantly hear “but grows” etc. But don’t really see them on their node. But you have to remember that not only does the stored data in the network grow, the free disk space is constantly growing too. Sometimes even faster than the Customer data.

I am sure StorJ is doing their best to get new customers, but they can’t magically create them. And it’s not easy to get new customers too. It’s a big step for a company to change a cloud provider, which is very costly for them too.

Yes I know we all want a bit more money in our pockets, but if we want to much, the company cannot sustain and will get bankrupt. And then nobody has something from that.

So I am waiting till all free tier data is gone and then maybe we will se good growth again (and maybe some trolls and inpatient people are gone by then)


And being aggressive towards Stoj or employees isn’t helping either. What do you expect them to say? You can see how fast the network grows. The data is public.


to be honest? i can see some bigger and bigger total egress last 2-3 months over all my nodes in total. Someone can confirm?


Unfortunately, when looking at the egress of last 12 months, I can’t really confirm:

Ingress for comparison:

My nodes are based in central Germany and always had free space available.

I remember someone else proposed a strike a few months/years back; he got reported and got a ban warning, I believe…
Better to delete this nonsensical proposal before you get some Storjing’s attention.
Shutting down the nodes and preventing clients to use the service and access their data is counterproductive and bad advertisement.
Please don’t!


I don’t even think, that there would be enough to disrupt service. So the worst that can happen is, that the repair worker will kick in and replace pieces.
A win for everyone and a lose for those who want to “show StorJ who the boss is”

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The only thing that i would like to know is, how the status with the SOC2 certification is. Because this would be a big win for the public network.
But as i understand its pretty hard to get it and so i dont expect many new news. Let them take their time and dont rush them. We lose nothing.
And the Cloud market is a pretty harsh one. Many competitors. Storj is just a little brand. Unlinke Hetzner and AWS. We have to gain slowly trust in the Market.


Really? Select is included in the stats, obviously it is not growing either.

Stop being toxic. The more nonsense you write the lower get the chance, that someone will answer you.


When was the last time @super3 has responded to some comment here?

somewhere 3yars ago.

@100k per BTC I would not be bothered to answer questions of node operators that receive like $1.5 per TB.

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If this thread is a sneaky way to convince some SNOs that they should be dissatisfied: enough that they leave… then I’m here for it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What do you need me to do? Say that they payouts are too low? Or the holdback period is too long? Or that vetting isn’t fast enough? Or growth rate is too slow? Or they don’t share enough business-internals with random people? I’ll make almost any trivial complaint sound important if the node count goes down: more for me! :money_mouth_face:

Because the network itself it fine. Customers are paying. SNOs are getting paid. And Storj is in the black. BUT that doesn’t mean we can’t make things better by ushering some whiny SNOs out-the-door.

Continuous improvement, right?


You can decide for yourself.