Win GUI Storj Node Toolbox

as after some version node installation methond has changed, i am reworking my toolbox also to fix it.
It takes some time, I home i can fix it during this week, i have some solution just need to test it by instaling new nodes.

one more thing.
I see you try to make storage to C drive, what is usualy OS drive. It is strongly not recomended to put node with OS together. your pc start to LAG.

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Aha, then I will wait for your new version!

Regarding C drive/volume. My OS is on this drive, situated in physical “disk A”. Physical “Disk B” and physical “Disk C” are only mounted on the C drive (C:\1 and C:\2), instead of using distinct drive letters. Is this still a problem for PC lagging, or is it OK?

If thay are separete HDD then OK, i thinked it only one HDD C drive.

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And my new relise


i just tested and work fine on my 2 different PCs, on of then is fresh install.

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I just tested too, it works great!

How do I use the earnings calculator? Do I need to stop a node first, then select the bandwidth file?

Also, is there a way to set a custom path for the logfile upon installing a new node? Because I like to put it in a separate location, so that my OS drive doesn’t fill up with large logfiles. As a workaround I can just edit the config after installing, of course.

just select node, show its db situated, it will stop node, copy needed dbs and start node, then show results.

You can show log path in config
this is defauld, then just show where you want it and restart node.
log.output: winfile:///C:\Program Files\Storj6\Storage Node\storagenode.log

This is what I get when I select node and show db location

Do you mean I should edit this manually, or is there a way to do this from inside Toolbox? I would love it if this was an extra option when installing a new node from Toolbox, but I understand if you have more important things to do. :slight_smile:

However, my first node is a GUI node that was added through auto-detection. For this node I already had made a custom path for logfile manually. When I try to press “Analyze logs” for this node in Toolbox, I get this message


Is there a way I can modify the node log path in Toolbox, to show it the real location?

i not intended to use it with logs in different location.

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thank you, this is really an excellent work !!!

I had the same problem, i fixed it by manually created the folders blobs, temp, garbage, trash inside the folder C:\2\STORJ! Do this and will work.

It will not work. You also need a file storage-dir-verification which is created only on setup.

Here is a step by step guide / tutorial for Toolbox

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Thanks. It isrealy good.

New toolbox version 1.8

New features Config Editor and S.M.A.R.T information

it will add more posibilities to minitor your nodes.


awesome, will check it asap! thank you!

in place of Node External IP: Port: for “IP” use DNS created on,) can I use my own IP address for both nodes?

yes you can use them on boath nodes, dns or IP, but port shold be unic.

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what is this option " Storage2 Daabase-Dir : can i leave it blank?