Win GUI Storj Node Toolbox

I’ve tried running in compatibility mode. Also unsuccessful.

Hey, I don`t suggest anyone to upgrade to win 11

From what I understand all the things in win 11 are going to be segmented for security and this might interfere with some of operations.
If you find a solution I’m interested

good luck

Hi, great tools!
Is there a way to change the “Node Path” it always want to go to program files

It will make installation more complex to not advanced users.

Dear Wadim,

i installed the main node and everythin was up and running.

Then i tryed to install a second node with the Windows Gui Toll. Unfortunately that didn´t worked well. The Storj Node Toolbox found the node but it wasn´t running. Then i had to restart my Computer and now even the Main Node is not running anymore.

and i cant start the node

could you please help

let start from main node.
please send some log from node, path to node you can fine in Node Path
what error show logs?

It, looks like as portforwarding will not work.

What i have done so far.

First i Open a Port in my Fritzbox for TCP and UDP for my machine on Port 28968

But when i check the Open Port with the Port forwarding tester, it allways tell me the Port is closed.

The Strange Thing is, i run an node on a different machine and i have done exactly the same and this Port is open? ???

Then i run the Powershell command

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Storj v3 TCP" -Direction Inbound –Protocol TCP –LocalPort 28968 -Action allow
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Storj v3 UDP" -Direction Inbound –Protocol UDP –LocalPort 28968 -Action allow
```**strong text**

every node need own port, first one is 28968, next for example 28969, next 28070
this ports shold be forwarded to pc on router.
Windows ports shold be also opened.
Do you have external static IP?

@Vadim Yes i have a static IP
do i need difrent Static IP s if i run the node on two diffrent machines?

no, you just need separate port for each node.

I start a total new node on my main machine

but it is offline

but it is ture in the toolbox?

And one Port is open from outside and one is not, i don´t get why.

i have done excat the same things

can you show me config file of node that not work?
no need wallet and external ip only port of external

OK i will send you the log file

And Troubleshooting

I needed conf file not log file.
please check that your server.address: :40000 is same port as external port, if you instaled it by original instalation file, then it is bug in in, it by default 28967, but you use 28968

40000 it is from one of my node.

I remove node 3 from toolbox. In the “delete” option, in “delete selected node”.

The node disappears from the “Storj Node Toolbox” application. But node 3 is still up.

How do I remove node 3 completely from windows?

in cmd you need to make as admin.
sc.exe delete storagenode2, this will delete service. then just delet from program files map

Thank you very much.

It’s already done.

If you used a different machine, you can use the default installer and destination port should be 28967, but the external should be 28968. You also need to modify your contact.external-address: in the config.yaml file to use 28968 port, i.e. contact.external-address: my.external.address:28968.
After the change is made you need to save the config file (menu File - Save) and restart the storagenode service either from the Services applet or from the elevated PowerShell

Restart-Service storagenode