Windows installation help

windows 10 antivirus

Can you post a screenshot of the antivirus like its main window ?

Please, try this in the cmd.exe with Administrator’s rights (insert actual parameters):

"C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.exe" setup --config-dir "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\\" --identity-dir "C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode\\" "[email]" --operator.wallet "[wallet]" --contact.external-address "" --storage.path "D:\storj\" --storage.allocated-disk-space ".5 TB" --log.output "winfile:///C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\\storagenode.log"
Error: storagenode configuration already exists (C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node)

Please, delete the config.yaml and try again in the cmd.exe with Administrator’s rights:

"C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.exe" setup --config-dir "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\\" --identity-dir "C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode\\" "[email]" --operator.wallet "[wallet]" --contact.external-address "" --storage.path "D:\storj\" --storage.allocated-disk-space ".5 TB" --log.output "winfile:///C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\\storagenode.log"

I don’t know how much sense this makes but whenever I do that, it adds the config.yaml back. I’m watching it come back everytime delete it.

That’s what’s supposed to happen. But the error you showed said it already existed prior to running the command. So delete it, run that command and let us know what happens.

That looks like this command actually worked. I wonder why it didn’t with the installer then. Did you run the installer as administrator?

Yeah, it still doesn’t work. It still says “Service ‘Storj V3 Storage Node’ (storagenode) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.”

  1. Navigate to the “Edit group policy” in the Start menu and run it
  2. In the console tree, navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment .
  3. In the details pane, double-click Log on as a service .
  4. Post screenshot of that setting

Try to remove the "C:\Program Files\Storj" and open a folder with msi installer in the Explorer.
Click menu File - Open Windows PowerShell - Open Windows PowerShell as administrator.

Execute there:


And try to finish the installation

You should open the folder with msi installer in the Explorer before the start of the Powershell.
I didn’t say that you should create a folder on your Desktop

You can do a different thing: open PowerShell as administrator and then navigate to the folder with msi and run it from there.
For example, if your folder is D:\ChesterCheese\Downloads\, and name of the package is storagenode.msi, then the command would be:

cd D:\ChesterCheese\Downloads\

Same thing still happens

Please, give me result of the command:

Get-Service dnscache
Get-Service storagenode*

Please, start the dnscache from the elevated Powershell:

Set-Service dnscache -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service dnscache 

Then install the storagenode again (remove the C:\Program Files\Storj first).

Something really wrong with your Windows

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