X509: certificate signed by unknown authority for https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites

You can pull the 32 bit image, by specifying the --platform arm32v6, but the docker should be configured to use experimental features for that.
Or use the explicit tag for the 1.18.1 arm image:

docker pull storjlabs/storagenode:2413a9a0d-v1.18.1-go1.15.5-arm32v6

Also, please use a full volume binding command instead of simple in the docker-compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#long-syntax-3
Use the type bind, otherwise you risking to get a disqualification if your drive would not mount for any reason.
The 7778 port should not be exposed unless you have an external CLI dashboard. Anyway, if you use a host network, then all ports are exposed to your host directly.
The “clock out of sync” is mean that your node is unable to connect to the satellites.
It could be a firewall or wrong ADDRESS option or wrong port forwarding rule on your router or unsigned identity

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