2020-10-25T16:56:43.759-0700 ERROR orders listing orders {"error": "ordersfile: proto: pb.OrderLimit: illegal tag 0 (wire type 0)"

I see the same issue here but I’m on 1.15.3 and don’t see a /orders/ folder in my storj directory.

I’ve pasted the error I’m seeing in my logs:
2020-10-25T16:56:43.759-0700 ERROR orders listing orders {“error”: “ordersfile: proto: pb.OrderLimit: illegal tag 0 (wire type 0)”, “errorVerbose”: “ordersfile: proto: pb.OrderLimit: illegal tag 0 (wire type 0)\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/orders/ordersfile.(*fileV0).ReadOne:97\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/orders.(*FileStore).ListUnsentBySatellite.func1:237\n\tpath/filepath.walk:360\n\tpath/filepath.walk:384\n\tpath/filepath.Walk:406\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/orders.(*FileStore).ListUnsentBySatellite:191\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/orders.(*Service).sendOrdersFromFileStore:393\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/orders.(*Service).SendOrders:187\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/orders.(*Service).Run.func1:134\n\tstorj.io/common/sync2.(*Cycle).Run:92\n\tstorj.io/common/sync2.(*Cycle).Start.func1:71\n\tgolang.org/x/sync/errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1:57”}

I’m not sure that 1.15.3 has been officially published per se, did you specify this one to be pulled or are you using the latest tag? It seems like some of their GitHub releases don’t always make it to the actual release, and as such require some sort of tinkering (I’ve always gotten clock issues when ever I try to run a release before it is actually ‘launched’. Throwing a guess, this might implement a protobuf setting not yet supported by the running satellites.

Look at below thread :arrow_double_down:

It is published if it’s here :arrow_down: Windows GUI nodes get the releases first then docker nodes. Its a phased rollout.

There are times when you might see some releases on github but they shouldn’t matter as getting the latest release doesn’t help you get more uploads/downloads/Storj.

Please use watchtower for docker nodes and storagenode-updater for GUI nodes to keep your node trouble free.

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