Change in ingress daily increase

As far as I know, the inflows have been increasing in recent months, and the daily inflows are increasing significantly. However, while the inflow was about 80GB per day last month, it decreased to 13-20GB this month. I recently changed my internet plan from 1GB to 500MB, and I’m curious whether it affected my ingress or if other people’s ingress also decreased this month.

I have 100MB and the ingres over the network is afaik more or less even shared.
I do not know if its the same for people with 25MB (the minimum requirement per node).
In some months i will move to a House with 50MB.

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Hello friend. Take a look at this site.

Over the last few months, you’ll see there was a massive ingress to the system in general, which is then being deleted right now. It is very normal to see periods of more ingress than normal, periods with less ingress than normal and periods of around 10-20GB days. Those are “normal” in my area :slight_smile:


Are you currently getting around 20GB per day like me on a 100MB network?

I’m glad it’s normal. Coincidentally, I was surprised at the speed difference during the process of switching network providers.
I expected the node to be full soon due to the large influx last month, but I am glad to see that the current speed is normal.

Which part should I refer to regarding the increase in the deletion process on the site you recommended? thank you for the reply

At the 5th it was around 64GB Germany. It may vary on region and some other things…


Hello again,

Take a look on “accumulated data over all satellites” over the last 30 ish days, and you’ll see the network went from hosting 30PB to 32PB and now down to 31PB.

The site has many other interesting stats, but that is the one I like the most.


Things are good in Germany! Thank you for answer :slight_smile:

Ah… I understand a bit. I’m not good at analysis, so please understand. Thank you for the explanation. I also want to study more. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m glad to hear the numbers posted here. I was explaining to a friend what Storj was: and they asked how much I downloaded (ingress) each day? My rough guess was that 10-30GB/day was ‘normal’ - which seems to align with what others are seeing.

Yeah February started slow: with that large deletion I bet many SNOs are at lower capacity now than when they ended January. We just need to be patient…


Don’t forget that this data includes Storj Select statistics too.


I’m a person who is interested in storage and I hope to share a lot of this information :slight_smile: Thank you for your response


After a few months of waiting, I had finally reached 5 TB and from one day to the next, 500 GB disappeared… what a disappointment. Now, I have wait to reach 5 again. :joy:


Down to 2,7!

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The dashboard is rarely accurate over the last day or so. I’m sure it will be up to your regular level tomorrow. Then tomorrow sat, 10 feb 2024 will show a weird stat again. No need to worry, this is normal.



I also fell yesterday and got up again today. I hope it continues to show a good flow :slight_smile:

Please check today.
It could be result of

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I hope you made it back to 5TB again! I saw a large drop at the beginning of Feb… and it took until now (11 days) to get back to what I had filled at the end of Jan.

Not fun… but I’m learning patience…


Yes, I’m at 4.8 now.