Customers, customers, customers

It was Storjlabs who chose to use the term 'customer, customer, customers" in their presentation as title for their Q3 and Q4 activities.
Now I was asking how is this part going. And the answer is silence. Tell us something about the progress if there is any.

But you could always fork it and run it on your own, couldn`t you?
I would like to see this ran by Storjlabs as Tardigradesend to showcase the ability of the platform.

We are operating the linksharing service which serves the similar purpose. Storj Labs as company does not intend to operate services from other projects.

There is definitely progress! Not everything directly ends up with customers rather than also improving their UI/UX on the platform.
I am not sure how much I can share, but there is something in the world that makes the usability much, much better or easier.

still only 6 months since tardigrade went liveā€¦ large migrations of people and corporations will take a while, itā€™s also understandable that most customers might not be interested in storjā€™s PR or is worth talking aboutā€¦ if tardigrade was trendy all of them would be advertising and flocking to itā€¦

but itā€™s newā€¦ from there perspective limited testedā€¦
i think stuff like filezilla might be a very good sign of whatā€™s to comeā€¦ itā€™s been a widely used for data transfer for decades nowā€¦

also there are tons of other cloud providers, so to really breakthrough there will need to be a certain advantage to utilizing tardigradeā€¦ something which might be difficult to find for most avg customers.

and storj can only do so much, they are a company, really in theory the most powerful part of this project might just be all the SNOā€™s, if we put our collective minds to it, iā€™m sure we could invent a near sure fire way to make tardigrade hugely utilizedā€¦ ofc that brings the question of how ready is tardigrade and how ready is storj for if we were to do such a thingā€¦

somethings gradual progress is much better than spectacular rises that really are spectacular failures, because when public opinion turns against somethingā€¦ then itā€™s very difficult to change it again.

also difficult to give out data that essentially will end up being bad PR, no corporation wants to do that.

right now we are 6 months in, this is about the time i would expect enterprise customers with interest, would have finished their first initial testing and would begin to get ready for moving over non critical infrastructure and suchā€¦

this is not a blockbuster movieā€¦ this is a basically new way of utilizing existing technology, and thus adoption will be slow, until people figure out there is something to be gained from moving to tardigradeā€¦

save people money or time or give them features they can gain some sort of useful benefit from and there will be more customers than the network would know what to do with.

so tho i kinda want to agree with @jammerdan i cannot aside from it would be nice to some limit capacity and easy to overview get some more insight into what customers are sayingā€¦ if there has been found any use cases where storj just blows everything else out of the water, how the network is behavingā€¦ and if customers seem to agree on thatā€¦

whats the max data transfer we can doā€¦ i mean how much bandwidth can we deliver ā€¦ could we saturate a google data centerā€¦ i mean lots of interesting novel things could be done which would be essentially testing but also could be some interesting PR stuntsā€¦

i mean we got like 6000 nodesā€¦ could we do a terabit a secondā€¦ i bet we could get close
in theory


So well put. Lovely. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Well some questions could be:

Has anyone ever reached out to NASA?

Did Filezilla integration bring new customers?

Has there been talks with the Internet Archive to help data storage?

Are you looking out for new potential customers?

Have you made research on the cctv market?

Have you been able intensify actions to reach out to Folding@home?


Letā€™s be a little fair though, I know of no company that does customer acquisition out in public and most things probably wonā€™t pan out. Itā€™s not really helpful (or even possible) to publish all leads. Not in the least because youā€™ll be notifying competition or the current service provider of that potential customer that youā€™re trying to win them over.

I donā€™t think the level of transparency youā€™re asking for is realistic.


Rest assured, there are many ways to answer such questions without revealing too much.

I donā€™t exactly see yet what this could mean for Tardigrade and the SNOs but I hope for the best:


i would say anytime one is associated even indirectly with berkshire hathaway in relation to business, is good if not greatā€¦

Not sure about the videocoin thing, talked about a lot of difficult to understand details imo, but i suppose thats pretty common in the crypto industryā€¦ sure seems that way to meā€¦ tho they sort of got their point acrossā€¦

seemed a bit like they wanted to make everything sound more amazing than it is, i mean how groundbreaking is it to pay people in fiat and do accounting in fiatā€¦ when using cryptoā€¦ofc then crypto ends up just being a public ledgerā€¦ OH WAIT A MINUTEā€¦

i donā€™t really see how itā€™s a strong selling point, because most others can just press a few buttons and do the same thingā€¦

but that being said, videocoin sounded cool, made senseā€¦ atleast what i could really follow of it.
would have to try and figure out what this means, but after a second viewingā€¦

if this works then i think ā€¦ 3rd viewing

what the hell is video on the blockchainā€¦ thats what they say they are innovatingā€¦
but what exactly is that reallyā€¦

they make it all sound great thoā€¦ i just donā€™t really understand or know what it is they are innovatingā€¦

so after a bit of digging, it seems like they do video processing ā€¦ or they donā€™t they are like the storj of video processing, selling cpu time in the exact same way storj sells disk timeā€¦

maybe thats a good ideaā€¦ i dunoā€¦ seems they would have to compete with everybody selling general cpu processingā€¦ but i guess its easier to specializeā€¦ and since video is such a big part of the internetā€¦ maybe they are rightā€¦

Something like that. But what they need Tardigrade for?

i think that connects pretty well because the basic idea of their system is that to save internet bandwidth resources you process the video close to the customer.

there are many different types of video encoding, so you take the raw video and convert it into the stream required and then broadcasts that to whoever needs it.

if we imaging a 1000 users opening a video in the same nation, it makes sense to move the raw video to that nation, and then use local processing resources to create the video streams, instead of trying to send the 1000 video streams across national boardersā€¦

something in that regard, which fits pretty much into just how tardigrade worksā€¦ so why develop a system, if one can use tardigrade which is basically turn key from their perspective.

sounds good the more i dig into it and start to understand it.
berkshire hathaway is a big name in business, basically a business cult lol
deifying whatā€™s his face, that guy that doesnā€™t have a computer in his officeā€¦
oh the irony rightā€¦ warren buffet

thats his company, sure itā€™s on a news site owned by his company, but still certain not a bad positionā€¦

tho one thing that i find confusing is that they got like 440 subscribers on their youtube channel, but been posting stuff for yearsā€¦

so not sure how much traction it hasā€¦ but the idea sounds interestingā€¦ duno how much of a problem they are really solvingā€¦ or trying to solveā€¦

i mean if they were already innovating video processing on the internet one should think they had more than 440 subscribersā€¦ being an industry leader / innovator and such

i mean if it worked they would most likely instantly have like 500000 subs just from interested parties that want to be part of the first wave of new tech

I just donā€™t understand what will be stored on Tardigrade and by whom.
Is it just an additional option for content creators where to store videos instead of maybe their local hard disks? Or is it some mandatory storage that is required for processing? Will the raw videos be stored on Tardigrade or the processed ones?

i donā€™t think the processed video is storedā€¦ its streamed, basically live data and decoded / encoded on demand and then buffered on the receiving side.

i would think a network such as this would load balanceā€¦ duno if tardigrade does that thoā€¦ but it really shouldā€¦ so if one region does massive downloading of one file, then it will be move so its more easily accessible in that region.

in the case of videocoin i think it would be the raw video that would be stored on storjā€¦ depending on where the processing nodes are and trafficā€¦

if we take the 1000 viewers example againā€¦

the raw video is located somewhere which is sort of irrelevant for thisā€¦ but lets say the northpole, and is online via starlink giving it like 100mbitā€¦ if 1000 people was going to stream that from the northpole they would each get 0.1mbit and all the processing of the file would happen on the northpoleā€¦

the idea with videocoin and storj i think is that instead the file when requested once or a few times, will be transferred to the region of the world where people want to view itā€¦ so the raw file goes from the northpole to approximately new york lets sayā€¦ on the storj network and then videocoin video processing nodes download the file 1000 times in a basically big lan / wan type enviornment (locally)
processes the video and then streams it to the 1000 users

okay maybe it doesnā€™t exactly work like thatā€¦ would be very in efficient to download the file 1000 times then to stream it to 1000 peopleā€¦
you get the ideaā€¦

itā€™s to save the 100mbit connection from being overloaded and thus giving 0.1mbit to everyone

so the video data is essentially live flowing between the points where its needed and being processed and streamed locally, so only the raw file needs to move across the 100mbit limited connection once.

so storj would host the raw file and it would load balance around the world depending on how its neededā€¦ something like that

iā€™m sure there are years worth of nuances to it, that i have no clue about, but in short its about saving internet highway bandwidth, utilizing unused processing onlineā€¦

so yeah, this could be grand for storjā€¦ or it could be nothingā€¦ all really depends on if videocoin actually solves a real problem in a affordable way.
but it sure might have potentialā€¦i donā€™t really feel qualified to make any prediction about it thoā€¦ i donā€™t have enough details yetā€¦ maybe later

i think videocoin does content processingā€¦ its basically like a virtual datacenter is the ideaā€¦ for video processingā€¦
i got no clue about how they make money ā€¦ i mean i suppose google sells people data and spamā€™s adā€™s
one example the spokesman of videocoin seems to make is that netflix runs on amazon AWS or whatever itā€™s calledā€¦

thats his kind of customers or somethingā€¦ i duno
i suppose the raw video would be stored atleast temporarily or even permanently on the storj network and then ofc for short periods at videocoin processing nodesā€¦

This is literally in the article:

Tardigrade can provide both long-term, reliable storage for transcoded assets and serve as origin servers for customersā€™ preferred CDN providers.

That seems pretty clear to me. Transcoded assets are stored on Tardigrade and then picked up by the customer preferred CDN. As a SNO I would of course love to see Tardigrade also being one of those CDN options, but I donā€™t think the network is ready for that yet. I expect this could lead to possibly high storage usage, but limited egress because the CDN will take care of delivering the video to the consumer. Though I guess everything would be downloaded at least once.

yeah, that was quite a lot of ā€œbullshit bingoā€ in that video :wink:

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It is a bit clearer now indeed. But who stores it? Each content creator on his own/personal Tardigrade account or the Vidcoin network as a whole? I believe this would make a huge difference in Tardigrade utilization.

I took it as itā€™s where vidcoin would store the transcoding result and the customer takes over control at the CDN step. But that part wasnā€™t entirely clear indeed.

The easiest way would be one big Vidcoin account. Otherwise they would have to deal with encryption passwords and maybe expired accounts and something like that.

Would love to see Tardigrade take a CDN like approach as well.