Error: "Invalid UI version in the JSON-RPC response"

Hello @kar1,

There are some additional steps you’ll have to take to get the file browser to work.

  1. Install the Storj Edge Services.
    • Clone the storj/gateway-mt repository.
    • While within the directory you cloned it into, run go install -v ./....
  2. Destroy and restart your local Storj network.
    • You must run storj-sim using the storj-sim network run --no-gateways command.
  3. Get your local satellite’s node URL.
    • Run storj-sim network env SATELLITE_0_URL.
  4. Run authservice.
    • Replacing SAT_NODE_URL with the satellite node URL from the previous step, run:
    authservice run ^
       --allowed-satellites SAT_NODE_URL ^
       --auth-token my-test-auth-token ^
       --endpoint http://localhost:8002 ^
       --listen-addr :8000 ^
       --kv-backend badger://
    (If you are using PowerShell, replace the carets (^) with backticks (`).)
  5. Run gateway-mt.
    •  gateway-mt run ^
         --auth.token my-test-auth-token ^
         --auth.base-url http://localhost:8000 ^
         --domain-name localhost ^
         --server.address localhost:8002 ^

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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