Hi, I have a certain amount held payment (18 months now) on the old Stefan Benten satellite. When will that amount be paid back?
It was released back in September 2020 when it was shutdown. Please, open your dashboard - Payout Information - Payout History, select month September 2020 and expand any satellite, then click on Transaction link. This TX includes held amount from the Stefan satellite.
If your node was online in the August 2020, it was paid, if it was online in September 2020, it should receive a payout receipt from the Stefan satellite.
If it were offline, then receipt will not be received anymore because that satellite was shutdown in September 2020.
Txs for fast response. My node has been consistently online, including in Aug/Sep 2020. I also got paid in both months and from all satellites, except from stefan-benten. Hence my question?
Please, form reports for months August 2020 and September 2020 and post results here
sorry, not sure I know what to do with “form reports” link that you provided. I am on win10.
Download and install Python for Windows installer - Python Releases for Windows | Python.org or open a command prompt and type python - Windows Store will install it.
Download the earnings.py file (I used c:\temp) - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ReneSmeekes/storj_earnings/master/earnings.py
Take a copy of your bandwidth.db, storage_usage.db, piece_spaced_used.db, reputation.db and heldamount.db to the same location as above (I used c:\temp)
Run the earnings.py script from a Powershell window for 2020-08 and 2020-09:
python c:\temp\earnings.py c:\temp 2020-09
@stob thank you for clear guidance. This is the aug 2020 run (I just took the relevant stefan-benten part:
Transaction($ 29.34): Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
stefan-benten | 2019-12-19 9 | 25% 39.42 | | 0.1064 0.0266 0.0798
PAID 0.0787
and sep 20 complete: September 2020 (Version: 10.1.2)←[0m
Upload Ingress -not paid- 51.74 GB
Upload Repair Ingress -not paid- 41.46 GB
Download Egress 20.00 / TB 1.04 TB 20.82
Download Repair Egress 10.00 / TB 730.83 GB 7.31
Download Audit Egress 10.00 / TB 6.34 MB 0.00
Disk Average Month Storage 1.50 / TBm 7.97 TBm 11.95
Disk Usage Storage -not paid- 5.74 PBh
Total 7.97 TBm 1.86 TB 40.08
Payout and held amount by satellite:←[0m
SATELLITE Joined Month Perc Total Disq Susp Down Earned Held Payout
us1.storj.io | 2019-12-19 10 | 0% 3.56 | | 1.3617 0.0000 1.3617
PAID 1.3574
Transaction( 1.36): Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
eu1.storj.io | 2019-12-19 10 | 0% 5.26 | | 2.4102 0.0000 2.4102
PAID 2.4097
Transaction($ 2.41): Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
ap1.storj.io | 2019-12-19 10 | 0% 3.00 | | 1.2978 0.0000 1.2978
PAID 1.2942
Transaction($ 1.29): Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
europe-north-1 | 2020-04-18 6 | 50% 11.08 | | 5.0002 2.5001 2.5001
PAID 2.4841
Transaction($ 2.48): Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
saltlake | 2020-02-11 8 | 25% 58.89 | | 30.0022 7.5006 22.5017
PAID 22.5037
Transaction($ 22.50): Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
stefan-benten | 2019-12-19 10 | 0% 39.45 | | 0.0052 0.0000 0.0052
TOTAL 121.24 40.0773 10.0007 30.0766
As you can see, the transaction
includes the held amount from Stefan.
You can sum up all August 2020 payouts with the held amount on Stefan ($39.42) and the estimation on date of payout should be very close to the expected.
Alexey, why do I then see the below in my current dashboard? See last row …
Held Amount History All Stats
Monthly Breakdown Satellite First Contact Held Total Held Returned
us2.storj.io:7777 5 month 2021-01-07 $0.04 $0.00
saltlake.tardigrade.io:7777 16 month 2020-02-11 $70.99 $0.00
ap1.storj.io:7777 18 month 2019-12-19 $1.50 $1.50
us1.storj.io:7777 18 month 2019-12-19 $1.78 $1.78
eu1.storj.io:7777 18 month 2019-12-19 $2.63 $2.63
europe-north-1.tardigrade.io:7777 14 month 2020-04-18 $18.82 $0.00
stefan-benten 18 month 2019-12-19 $39.45 $0.00
Because your node were offline when the payout receipts was sent from the Stefan satellite and then this satellite was shutdown, there is no more receipts from it and they will not be resent anymore.
Thus your local database will not have this missed update.
See Update on satellite.stefan-benten.de Satellite Payout Data on the SNO Dashboard
Alexey, I am wondering how you know that my node was offline in that moment. I have no signals whatsoever that such was the case. I have completely missed the Sep2020 communication around the stefan-benten satellite as otherwise I would have come online this forum much earlier. It is what it is I guess, which is a pity.
I guess offline is a little bit of an assumption, but the satellite did send out the payout information and your node wasn’t able to receive it at that point. The most logical reason is that it was offline when this data was sent out. Either that or it was in such a bad state that it wasn’t able to process it. Normally this data gets sent again, but of course this satellite went offline and was never able to correct the missing data.
No problem, just trying to understand. I am wondering in general: is there any sort of statistic kept somewhere on online/offline statistics?
Not on the nodes side as far as I know. Though the satellite may have history of successful and failed audits. On the nodes end we only get updated with the most recent reputation stats. This is also why the earnings calculator I made only shows reputation when you look at the current month.
Not forced, its just a simple option. Run one command ‘python’ and then click ‘Get’ and ‘Install’.
All clear, thank you