I cannot run the Qnap app with the Storj node. They can help?

Looks like it may generate new container names every time. You’d have to pass it the name of the container currently in use.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Error starting master database (operation not permitted) after update on QNAP-Nas

It shouldn’t.

From the screenshot @Pauantich posted it looks like an older version of the app due to the use of the beta container tag.

A post was split to a new topic: I have purchased a 4G router and when configuring I verify that the Storj container does not have any activity

4 posts were split to a new topic: Is it possible to configure it to download faster on my Qnap node?

Ohhh boi!! this is really hardcore. I am stuking at this part as well. So my QNAP doesnt get identified and I am also unable to find the path. I am using “File Station” to upload my identity and it is as you guys are telling, I am following one path at the “File Station” and another one at the “QNAP storj node setup interface”. Wooouuuu…

@PeterEloy - Filestation shows a differnt logical filesystem on top of the physical file system on the QNAP. What path did you put the identity files in filestation?

Cheer up!! once you have it it will not give you worries, it is very stable

I get this error on my node and it won’t reboot. How to proceed?

2021-04-21T07:31:23.988Z INFO db.migration Database Version {“version”: 45}
2021-04-21T07:31:24.775Z ERROR trust Failed to fetch URLs from source {“source”: “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”, “error”: “HTTP
source: Get “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority”, “errorVerbose”: “HTTP source: Get “https://tardig
React App”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/trust.(*HTTPSource).FetchEntries:63\n\tstorj.io/sto
Error: trust: failed to fetch from source “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”: HTTP source: Get “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”: x509: cert
ificate signed by unknown authority

You need to update the storagenode image. If you still uses the app, then click on Update storagenode, then try to Start

I already tried it and it doesn’t work

2021-04-21T21:06:09.280Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”}
2021-04-21T21:06:09.885Z INFO Telemetry enabled
2021-04-21T21:06:09.916Z INFO db.migration Database Version {“version”: 45}
2021-04-21T21:06:10.523Z ERROR trust Failed to fetch URLs from source {“source”: “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”, “error”: “HTTP
source: Get “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority”, “errorVerbose”: “HTTP source: Get “https://tardig
React App”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/trust.(*HTTPSource).FetchEntries:63\n\tstorj.io/sto
Error: trust: failed to fetch from source “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”: HTTP source: Get “https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”: x509: cert
ificate signed by unknown authority

Then I can only suggest to remove the QNAP app and use a CLI method instead: CLI Install - Node Operator
You already have docker (Container Station), statically mounted disk (QNAP do it automatically) and identify, so you can run the storagenode via ssh.

You can also try a pre-release version: Pre-Release - QNAP App v1.1.2

5 posts were split to a new topic: QNAP. The wizard can’t approve the identity path even using the browse feature on the identity screen