I cannot help but wonder if vaccuming the database is a good or a bad thing… people on here has been talking about that a lot lately, most sort of just go… oh look at this thing… and then i do this and it’s smaller after i’m done… and on harddrives smaller is better… so must be right… vacuuming is better…
i don’t really know a lot about database management, i’ve worked with a few here and there…pretty simple stuff at first… you and like rows and columns of information, that you basically can search…
now if i was making a database and wanted it to be fast on disk… i would develop some sort of system… so that i would split the file into chunks of the database… so i know the first 1000 rows are the first 1000 sectors on the hdd, so if i wanted to load like say row 1500 i would go to the first sector and skip 1498 sectors and then read from line 1500 and onwards for a few rows depending on what i’m actually looking for…
that means you would have sectors in the file with maybe vast amounts of freespace to optimize how the database operates, and then you vacuume it and put everything into a neat little bunch without any spaces…
meaning that the next time something is changed, it will not be written inside the database… then it would be written behind the sequentially written database file, which is… data fragmentation… which is exactly what you are trying to avoid…
so please show me how this vacuuming works and why i would even trust it be change my database which is most likely made to make optimal usage of the performance.
besides if you can copy a 400 mb database off a hdd in 4 seconds, can’t really be that fragmented to begin with… i think it was 0dim that was copying his fragmenteded database from a spindle drive at 4mb/s showing just what fragmentation of files can do.
granted i know i won’t benefit from any of your vacuuming stuff, because i run my system is a special way to avoid such issues, or atleast minimize them to the level that my 24tb node db shouldn’t get trouble before the 1tb regular hdd nodes do… so problems should get solved before they affect me really.
i would just like to see some proof of why this vaccuming is suppose to work, like direktorn i’m skeptical at best… and with good reason, because making a database smaller doesn’t sound like a solid plan for avoiding fragmentation of the files…
Ignorance is bliss, until reality sets in…