Hello! Payouts for the completed month of May are complete. They actually were complete last week, but had not been reimported so they would show in dashboards until today, so thank you for your patience.
For layer 1 payments, we paid 1,133 unique wallet addresses. As expected, the total volume of STORJ we sent out in May was lower than normal, due to the overpayment from the payouts for the month of April. See last month’s post for more information. As before, there is no specific minimum payment threshold but it appears the pipeline was able to pay out for people who earned $14 or more.
For zkSync payments, we paid 1,496 unique wallet addresses. Everyone who opted into zkSync got a 10% bonus (and will again next month)! Thanks for participating in the future of Ethereum scaling with us!
For Polygon payments, we paid 51 unique wallet addresses. If you’re interested in learning how to enable this, please see the announcement post.
Across all layers, we paid 2,661 unique addresses. As always, if you have more questions, please make sure you’ve read through our mega FAQ.
The policies put in place regarding bonuses for nodes operated in Ukraine are still in place.