Minimum Threshold for Storage Node Operator Payouts

What is the threshold, it must be ridiculously high, cause I count at least $30 across my nodes, and no payment…this is just a bad idea I hope it’s a temporary workaround :expressionless:

what? min 36$ to payout?

Payout are not yet completed, there was no announcment about that.

so threadshold is 5$

I’m not sure about that.

I think it depends on when the payment gets issued. Right now transaction fees are around 10$, so I guess the minimum payout right now is 40$…

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Thats the Point. It is not a completely new Situation. It was predictable.
There would ne no Problem of they hat informed about this a payment-cycle before.
But to decide 1 day before the payouts are going to start That they will not Pay the large Part of Storage Operators is simply not ok.

They create facts by doing and till now there is no information but this Thread.

And on the other hand: How can i trust tardigrade as a large company/customer if the Organisation behind Changes some essential points like the payouts (and maybe in the future the conditions for tardigrade) over Night?

Ps: Sorry for bad spelling because of autocorrect :confused:


I think highly transaction fees is not a storj problem. We need to wait when it will be solved in etherium. 8-10$ per transfer it is out of mind.


Thats true, its not their fault, but not ours as well. But its entrepreneurial risk they push off on Storagenode-Operators :wink:

And the main thing is in My opinion not the problem itself but the communication and Acting of storjlabs.


not really since we don’t pay any fees either.


I agree with @kevink.
Besides, if they where taking too much risk, the company could fail. And we don’t want that.

SNO’s NEED notification of held payouts

At least an email sent out at the time of calculation saying :

"due to gas price being : <gas-price> Minimum payout this month will be : <minimum-$> "

Their was no payout for me this month (I should have received just over over $31).
I’m not sure if it’s due to the ‘gas threshold’ or not.


This is a hard place for Storj cause the fees are changing every second of the day could be 3 dollars for one sec then sky rocket up to 14, There could be a window where the fees are low then there are times where the fees are super high. Right now fees are low storj could be sending payments now.


That’s why I said “At time of calculation”.
Is the calculation done :

  1. For each individual SNO
  2. For a batch of SNO’s
  3. or at a single point in time for all SNO’s

Emails could be created when the calculation is made and payouts begin. It’s all automated these days so it should be easy enough to add in an email routine in the payout script.


After the payouts are completed the ones that did not get a payout should get a notification email saying as such.

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Well they also said payments will be sent in the first 2 weeks so were not there yet, The notifications should be send after this 2 week mark to let people know why they didn’t get there payout for the month of Dec.


I agree, good compromise :smiley:

I just think their should be a tiny bit more direct communication to SNO’s on payouts in general (not just forum posts!!) when things like this change.


That is true since alot of people don’t use the forums but also alot of people don’t fully understand the crypto world and its dynamics.


There is no Need for understanding the crypto world and its dynamics :wink:
Storjlabs Said they will pay the storagenode-Operators monthly . But from one day to the other they dont.
The Dynamics of the crypto world have nothing to do with this, its the task of storjlabs to fulfill this.

And on the orher Hand especially the People who are familar Witz the crypto world Must have Seen this coming :stuck_out_tongue:

But again, i can Unterstand the Situation and the Problem. Its all about the way storjlabs Deals with it :wink:


Can you explain why it is bad when the Storj coin devaluates? What does those this whole crypto currency technology add to the Storj project? If it is not for fast and efficient micro payments.

I’m here for renting out my hardware, not for crypto things.

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It’s bad for anyone who is already holding storj tokens because they would become worthless if Storj started paying out in $ etc.

If Storj offered to buy back all the tokens out there at today’s price and then switched to paying out in $ then that might be different.


okay, why don’t they then just stop with crypto? Keep the dollars in your account untill a certain treshhold and then a bank-transfer. This project should not be about volatile coins and high transaction costs. I pay my groceries with euros. All the rest (dollars, storj coin, eth, gas) is of no interest to me.

This is why its important to understand crypto. When you are apart of running a storagenode on storj using the words getting paid monthly doesn’t mean your guaranteed to get paid monthly right? There is minimal payouts for a reason when dealing with crypto lets take mining for instance if your mining on a pool there is a minimal payout set by the pool because of obvious reasons.

This is the same for storj because of the fees it takes for every transaction you have to pay the same amount of money per fee no matter if its 0.1 storj to 100 storj the fee is the same. So why would storj as a company send this amount just because there storagenode made this amount? When the Fee is higher then what the storagenode actually made.

You may not understand and you just look at it as “storj said well get paid monthly” There is no guarantees of this and just doesn’t work like that.

You literally can’t do anything with less then 100 storj anyways exchanging it to anything has a minimal amount so if your getting 1 storj what are you going to do with it?

But that being said there should be a min amount set in stone that cannot change every sec of the day the min amount should not go from 5 dollars to 40 dollars.