This looks ‘normal’ for current network usage. A new node needs to complete a vetting process before they can access the remaining 95% of network traffic. The network has had a huge number of new nodes join the network in recent months so until some more larger customers start using Tardigrade this is expected.
so yeah your ingress is low for this month, we had a change recently different satellites started pushing data, meaning those little used satellites wasn’t vetted on nodes younger than 4 months or a bit older even.
it usually takes a few weeks to a month, when a satellite is pushing traffic to vet.
might take many months if the satellite is basically idle…
your numbers look fine, just can take a long time to integrate into the network…
just like the payouts take 9 months to reach the 100% payout level… it also takes a similar amount of time before a node is fully on par with other fully vetted nodes…