Ok, here we go
Storagenode1 12PYwN5yzFr9Jsqy1qKdYQd8BvGENKczALx3QtakkwMCU5v55BM
total payout: $7.0448 x 5 = $35.224
Storagenode2 12Ldtzwu1bu3LeXVRe8gXKYugHcuPSJaQk98XEyHbgw8HwRzivc
total payout: $1.5798 x 4 = $6.3192
I just started a third storagenode, but that’s only 16 cents.
So I should expect ~$41.50 for October. Yesterday’s exchange rate was ~$0.143/STORJ at the time of the transactions, so I would expect ~290 Storj, but I only got 258.71.
I think I found the mistake. The second node doesn’t appear to have gotten the surge payment. If I calculate again without surge payment for the second node, then everything is spot on. The second node was setup in August and this blog post says
If you set up your node during the surge payment window, you’ll receive four times the normal payout during the months when surge payments are active.
Should nodes setup after July get the surge payments? If yes, then there seems to be a problem on your side.