Storagenode Startup Script?

hai…just want to ask if has any possible script thats can startup storagenode automatically when pc restart or startup after power outrage.

any solution??

Windows, right?

If you always ping Alexey, you can write him DMs, too.

But I would not answer and will move to the public, unless there is private information.
@RJGSpace Please do not tag me in every single question. Our friendly Community have a much more availability than me :wink:

There is no need in any special startup script.
If you use a docker version and our recommended command, it will be started automatically with the docker.
if you use a binary version (either [Tech Preview] Linux Installer Part 2 or [Tech Preview] Linux Storage Node & Updater or GUI Install - Windows | Storj Docs), they will start automatically after reboot too.

The only problem with Docker desktop for Windows - the docker itself will start only after login (this is how the Docker desktop works). The workaround is to create a scheduler job using Windows Scheduler to run the Docker desktop binary after PC start. You will be asked for user’s credentials to make it happen without login.

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yes…windows 11…im so sory if im wrong because always ping alexey…so sory

im so sory if i disturb you…so sory… :pray:
next time i just ask public…

something like this is pretty useful.

No problem. I read every post on the forum sooner or later.
If the question will remain without an answer - I would try to help.