The V2 network is shutting down

The V2 network shutdown

Today, we’re going to begin shutting down the V2 network, with the final shutdown occurring by the of this month. As a Node Operator on the V2 network, you will likely see some changes occur on your Node.

The V3 network was created using the lessons we learned from the previous version, and we couldn’t have made this amazing new network without the contributions. We want to thank you immensely for your efforts and hope you will turn your V2 Nodes into Storage Nodes on the V3 network.

Our new V3 network is much more performant, efficient, and reliable than the V2 network, and we’re expecting our first paying customers by the end of the month. That means operating a Node on the V3 network should be much more lucrative than it was on the V2 network.

To set up a Storage Node on the V3 network, visit to get started.

Thanks again for making the decentralized cloud a reality,

The Storj Labs Team


Make a gift to the owners of really verified nodes and “convert” their nodes into verified v3 with 100% payouts. I think v2 operators will be happy with this gift :slightly_smiling_face:


Or bonuses in tokens, for that nano payouts last time.

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i have received last month 0.003 storj… and over 50 on v3…so i already uninstall it…it was storing about 300 MB.
The shutdown should be made 2-3 mounts ago

Spend so many interesting hours fiddling with those V2 nodes (sigh)… R.I.P. V2 :wink:

Hours and hours trying to tweak and get every last drop of performance out of them.
even got some of my colleagues into Storj with V2.

Sad thing is… not everyone stuck on to Storj until the V3 network…

Thanks v2 (and everyone @ Storj ofcourse :wink:), thanks for everything!

edit: ooh… and the talking on the Rocketchat server… miss that!

Hi, thanks to you too and for sticking with us .

PS you cn also jump in conversations here! I know soe folks miss rocketchat. but this format is so easy to organize and search for answers. The camaraderie is still here too, try with a fun attitude and maybe you will enjoy!

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Is it OK to switch off V2 node and delete left data? Seemes like doesn’t accept connections anymore.

{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to connect to bridge:, reason: connect ETIMEDOUT”,“timestamp”:“2020-01-24T08:58:37.322Z”}

I even modded the node software so it worked better (using files instead of the weird database to store data).

Hi @PocketSam I’ll find out for you. thanks.

here is your answer:

v2 is actually already mostly shut down
we’re having a ceremonial final shut down next week
but it’s already safe for v2 operators to delete their data.


Thanks for the definite answer!

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Right time to move on V3! :slight_smile:

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is there anything we should notice?

do we get a suprise on screen when the network is officially shut down? :stuck_out_tongue:

My nodes were disconnected from bridge about a week ago and were not able to reconnect back. So it actually already down.
I stopped nodes and deleted remaining data (~ 15 GB) 2 days ago.

Farewell Storj V2 !


How to know that I`m on V2 or V3?

Do you see Storage Node Dashboard ( Node Version: v0.31.12 ) on your dashboard ?

Yes. I do. But I had to manually turn on the updater to get that version.

Then its V3 and are you using docker or GUI ?