Win GUI Storj Node Toolbox

Second node on a same Windows PC. Runnig my first one >2 years atm. Trying to expand but I’m to stupid to understand how to use toolbox.

where did you got identity for first node? for each node place for getting identity is the same.
But be carefull if you generated it in same pc and left it there, you can exidently rewrite it when making new one.

Having the same problem. Similar erors in log file and no folders on new HDD. Where to start from looking for reason? When added new node in Toolbox, ran it as simple user, not as Administrator, can it be the reason?

Most problem is when people put identity to folders that very far and contain spaces, put identity to C:\identity1 for example. did you found first node by search in this pc?

Yes, It’s right in the place where it’s put when created: C:/users/username/AppData/Roaming/Storj/Identity.
Both identites in this folder. You suggest to move the second node Identity to a new place and reinstall the node?

yes, and chose place without spaces in name.

but also you need now delete second node, in program files and servise
in cmd as admin
sc.exe delete storagenode1

2 posts were split to a new topic: ERROR trust Failed to fetch URLs from source {“source”: “

How to update the second node? Pressing the Update button in Toolbox returns no result.

does first node show like main node true?


then, select second node, and push update.

Nothing happens. Is it important where the folder with toolbox located on PC?

It is not importand, but shold run as admin, or it cant stop service.

Is it possible to update it manually in some way?

yes, stop node and copy exe from first node, then start node.
what windows do you run?

I have Windows 10. Will try manually

Hey @Vadim im trying to add my first node in your software - but it cant find it.

Can i specificy its location manually somehow?
In the pop up the error translates to: Length cant be more than zero. Parametername: length

Thanks in advance

you need to install it in traditional way, but give it wrong path to data, and then fix it in config.
after you will be able add it on toolbox, as it will copy exe files from first one.

Im not sure i understand.
What i did was install it with the traditional storj service but with correct paths. Now i have allready installed it - so then i cant just remove it? or?