Win GUI Storj Node Toolbox

I have two instances on Windows. both stopped. How to restart? Also autoupdate seems to fail

select node push start button

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Didn’t work, but now it does. thx

Both of my nodes have been upgraded to version v1.77.2

I have selected each node. I have given each node the “stop node” button. In the application the nodes appear to be red, like the nodes are turned off. If you go to look at the web the nodes did not stop.

When I click on “start node” or “stop node” I get “Try running as Administrator and check if log path is set.” . It doesn’t have any effect.

Any idea how to make the “start node” and “stop node” button functional again?

I think it’s related to

Приветствую Vadim! Подскажи пожалуйста, куда копать?) Инсталлировал ноду через твоё приложение, всё правильно сделал, но по факту ни чего не происходит на расшариваемом диске, структура не формируется и в принципе служба не запускает, соответственно статус у ноды false(

mne slozhno skazat bez podrobnostei

2023-05-31T13:23:08.939+0500 INFO Configuration loaded {“Location”: “C:\Program Files\Storj1\Storage Node\config.yaml”}
2023-05-31T13:23:08.950+0500 INFO Anonymized tracing enabled
2023-05-31T13:23:08.952+0500 INFO Operator email {“Address”: “”}
2023-05-31T13:23:08.953+0500 INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “0x6143a10b764bc6619444dbcd0145e8e59255b724”}
2023-05-31T13:23:08.953+0500 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“error”: “Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n— CreateFile J:\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n— CreateFile J:\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n— CreateFile J:\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n— CreateFile J:\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.”, “errorVerbose”: “Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n— CreateFile J:\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n— CreateFile J:\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n— CreateFile J:\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n— CreateFile J:\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.\n\tmain.cmdRun:64\n\tmain.newRunCmd.func1:32\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:852\n\*Command).ExecuteC:960\n\*Command).Execute:897\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\tmain.(*service).Execute.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:75”}

for some reason it havent been abled to make folders, wher do you have identity files?

примерно так) C:\Users\Admin Valerka\Storj\Identity 2\storagenode

I’m struggling to get this work. Please mind my ignorance. I’ve had 1 node running on a separate machine for years (9tb full). Port settings on router external 28967 internal 28967.
Second machine (5.7tb full). Port settings on router external 28968 internal 28967. Works fine for probably 2 years.
now I want to add second node to second machine. I’ve used tool and everything seems fine but I get QUIC misconfigured. so router set up as external 28969 internal 28968. I’ve disabled windows firewall just for initial start up yet I still get same error. What am I missing please?

k sozhaleniju tam problema s probelami

otkroi cmd kak administrator zdelai sc.exe delete storagenode1 ili kakoi on tam u tebja
udali iz program files mesto kuda eto vsjo postavil
polozhi identity na C:\identity2 bez probelov
udali v toolbox etot node

i poprobui proinstalirovat na toolbox zanovo

did you made a udp ruule for it also?
each node need 2 ruuls tcp and udp

yes all 3 nodes set to both

then i dont know, because if TCP work then all installed correctly. sometimes browser just not showing it correctly. try F5 in browser. but storj dont realy using it, so i even sometimes not bother about it if it not work.

wow thanks didn’t realise it was that simple. You were a great help.

Вадим, большое спасибо, очень помогли! Действительно сразу же 2 нода поднялась и всё заработало! :wink:

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Может у кого есть мысли по поводу некорректно работающих служб storj со странным статусом (остановка)?

I’m sorry but I dont understand where do I get new Identity, is there any full readme/guide how to add new node?

Hi Faatum,

Are you trying to install a first node? Or a second node? If a first node, we have instructions on the website…