Win GUI Storj Node Toolbox

Ahh thank you…i must only be reboot…and the server private adress was wrong in my config its the third node, so it must be 7780 :slight_smile:

Now it runs again

Hi all.

I am new around here and I am starting in this interesting project, but, without too much computer knowledge, I am finding it a bit complicated.

I have two active nodes right now, the first one installed through Windows Gui and the second one through Toolbox.

The first node has been automatically updated to the new version 1.6.5, but, the new node does not update and I cannot get it updated through the Toolbox either. Is there a way to force update the node?

Thank you very much!!

Do you have your main node in toolbox? just select aditional node in tool box, and press update.
It will update aditional node from main node.


If I have the main node also in the toolbox. I have tried to select the new node and press the refresh button, but it doesn’t work.

Any ideas?

Thanks for the help!

All fine. v1.6.5 and v1.6.4 are the same version. Nothing to worry about.

The problem is that your first node not marked as main node, Delete boath nodes from toolbox, and pres Search nodes, this shold fix this problem.

Thank you very much!!

That was the problem, I have already managed to update.

Hello, Vadim.
I installed Your Toolbox to connect another HDD.

I set it up, but it has been Offline for several hours.
What am I doing wrong.
Log file has an error
2020-08-02T08:24:22.707+0300 ERROR nodestats:cache Get pricing-model/join date failed {“error”: “heldamount service error: protocol error: unknown rpc: “/heldamount.HeldAmount/GetAllPayments””, “errorVerbose”: “heldamount service error: protocol error: unknown rpc: “/heldamount.HeldAmount/GetAllPayments”\n\\n\*Stream).HandlePacket:156\n\*Manager).manageStreamPackets:307”}

I havent seen this error before, it looks like something internal, do you have now indentity with new auth key signed?

Yes, I’m have indentity with new auth key signed

Please, check your port forwarding rule on your router. It should forward TCP port 28968 to the host with the second storagenode.
Also, the parameter server.address: in the config.yaml of the second node should have a different listening port, i.e. 28968.

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Thank you very much.

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have you soleved issue? what the problem was?

I was helped by replacing localhost with console.address: in the config.yaml file. After that, everything worked.

thank you for information, I will update this value then in my toolbox.

Hello, new Node Service Running: False
Port open and forwarded on router.

2020-08-20T22:39:56.116+0300 FATAL Unrecoverable error {"error": "Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n--- CreateFile D:\\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.", "errorVerbose": "Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n--- CreateFile D:\\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.\n\tmain.cmdRun:153\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:840\n\*Command).ExecuteC:945\n\*Command).Execute:885\n\\n\\n\tmain.(*service).Execute.func1:66\n\*Group).Go.func1:57"}

llooks like problem with accses to disk, does it have files specified in logs?
tried to start it once more?

Disk is new and empty, I check read/write, it has no problem. Try to reinstall storagenode1, it do not help. New disk on GPT, NFTS format. Also when press stop button (run Node Toolbox as Admin):Screenshot_20200821_004822

All log is
|2020-08-20T22:37:38.217+0300|INFO|Configuration loaded|{"Location": "C:\\Program Files\\Storj1\\Storage Node\\config.yaml"}|
|2020-08-20T22:37:38.266+0300|INFO|Operator email|{"Address": "xxxx@xxxx.xx"}|
|2020-08-20T22:37:38.266+0300|INFO|Operator wallet|{"Address": "0x45cf50r95DaABf1a7b3b42ff2bXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}|
|2020-08-20T22:37:38.267+0300|FATAL|Unrecoverable error|{"error": "Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n--- CreateFile D:\\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.", "errorVerbose": "Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n--- CreateFile D:\\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.\n\tmain.cmdRun:153\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:840\n\*Command).ExecuteC:945\n\*Command).Execute:885\n\\n\\n\tmain.(*service).Execute.func1:66\n\*Group).Go.func1:57"}|

Please, create a folder on the disk and try to select it.
Also, the network connected drives are not supported by storagenode.

I’d like to suggest you to check that drive with chkdsk /f in the elevated command shell

На русском

Пожалуйста, создайте папку на диске и попробуйте использовать её в качестве хранилища.
Ещё, сетевые диски не поддерживаются storagenode. Диск должен быть локальным.
Я бы рекомендовал проверить этот диск с помощью команды chkdsk /f в cmd от имени Администратора

The same problem

На русском

Диск локальный, не сетевой. Не могу понять где проблема, может прав не хватает процессу… Папку создал, в логах все так же

Windows проверила файловую систему и не обнаружила проблем:
Дальнейшие действия не требуются.

       7630867 МБ всего на диске.
         35924 КБ в 9 файлах.
            76 КБ в 18 индексах.
             0 КБ в поврежденных секторах.
        304671 КБ используется системой.
         65536 КБ занято под файл журнала.
       7630535 МБ свободно на диске.

2020-08-21T08:45:05.283+0300 FATAL Unrecoverable error {"error": "Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.", "errorVerbose": "Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\blobs: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\garbage: The system cannot find the file specified.\n--- CreateFile D:\\storjFolder\\trash: The system cannot find the file specified.\n\tmain.cmdRun:153\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:840\n\*Command).ExecuteC:945\n\*Command).Execute:885\n\\n\\n\tmain.(*service).Execute.func1:66\n\*Group).Go.func1:57"}