there are also people gaming the system and exploiting it where ever they can
so maybe they keeled off a few of those.
on a positive node, i manage to get the other guy off “my” subnet
took a week or two from when i discovered he was there… but adding a 2nd node put him over the edge… had been working on doing that for a while…
but finally got docker working inside a container with the ability to directly access to the host filesystem
ofc when i added a 3rd node to the shared subnet he noticed the significant drop in his new node ingress… and came to the forum
where i had been keeping an eye out…
so back to full bandwidth here i hope, for a good long time… tho i will say it’s a good reason for using the default port and around that range like say 2896x and x being 1 - 9
does avoid unseen collisions of nodes… because people can just scan the subnet, its only 255 ip’s so pretty easy
hopefully the subnet i’m on will be filled soon and then since it’s all static ip addresses, then few new systems / users will enter it… when its full… but right now i think it’s one of the subnets if not the subnet, every new leasing of a static ip address users will end up for the isp i’m at.
which is also kinda why i didn’t want to move… imagine i got into a new subnet that was all empty… then thats 250 odd systems each one with the chance of being a storj node, while right now i’m guessing there maybe like 30 spots left in this subnet i’ve been in for like … years
so when thats full, everybody new will be bundled in other subnets and i should be almost 100% immune to getting new nodes on my subnet unless if one of the 250 users wants to be come a storj host, and lets be fair…
10% is like ip cam’s, then there will be atleast 10-20% webhosting(which may potentially be future storj users), and then there will be some users that want to remote access their network due to travel or such… but i don’t see why one would want to use a ip and not like a ddns for that, but lets call that 10% also… lets put a 20-30% for random stuff people want to directly access remotely through the internet…
greenhouse control systems, home alarms, cars, home lighting, gararge doors, you get the idea…
and when we think of all those… then maybe we have like 10-30% on a subnet thats potentially users that may consider even starting up hosting storj.
and then out of those 10-30% lets say 1/5 end up doing that and not other projects, which imo is pretty high… should be more like 1/20 or 1/10 so that would be 2-6 % chance of somebody else starting a node… out of 250 or so…
ofc the math is completely different if we imagine a new storj users on the same isp, requesting and ip address and then this subnet is the default subnet people are put on, until its full…
that gives me more like a 100% chance for every remaining ip address if they are a storj user xD
so well long rant, but quite pleased that i managed to avoid moving subnet, and hope that soon the odds of me getting to share a subnet will be reduced to well like we did the math maybe 2-6% yearly + the odds for the systems leaving an possible new systems entering the subnet…
but stuff like ipcams, home alarms, sprinklers, cars, garage door ip’s don’t really change that much…
i should go do something productive, instead of sitting here ranting…