in my log:
docker logs storagenode 2>&1 | grep drpc -c
in my log:
docker logs storagenode 2>&1 | grep drpc -c
56? Shouldn’t the answer be 42? I don’t even understand why grep would print that out
now 62
every five minutes a new journal entry…
only for these two “Piece ID”
2019-10-30T00:16:03.099477503Z 2019-10-30T00:16:03.099Z INFO piecestore download failed {“Piece ID”: “FCPPTAT4CMPABUE4C5QVKA67GA7ICSOKFZN54UIZNL7IOTX4EKNQ”, “SatelliteID”: “121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6”, “Action”: “GET”, “error”: “piecestore: piecestore protocol: drpc: stream terminated by sending error”, “errorVerbose”: “piecestore: piecestore protocol: drpc: stream terminated by sending error\n\tstorj.io/drpc/drpcstream.(*Stream).SendError:261\n\tstorj.io/drpc/drpcmanager.(*Manager).manageStream:224”} I don’t understand why I have been getting so many failed downloaded recently this a new event for my node, the node has always maintained less the five percent download failures.
Is there writing somewhere on why the concurrency should no longer be a problem? Curious to find out what changed. If not could you elaborate a bit more on the changes in this regard and the new defaults when it comes to drpc and grpc connections?
That’s a good question - I had the same. And with that I think it’s also good to understand when the config.yaml is touched / whats not used anylonger etc.
I understand that I can find old variables in the logs if not exist any more but a bit more details would be fab!
Note: It looks like in the current release it is still default 6. In the next release (next week) this change will go live.
Is there testing going on with drpc stream terminated by sending error, download errors? Files that I see routinely download successfully now produce drpc download errors. Im running window GUI.
it also happens with docker Mac OS @eagleye
Jesuss-Mac-Pro:~ neo$ echo -e "Failed Downloads:\t\t$(cat "tmpf" | grep '"GET"' | grep failed -c)"
Failed Downloads: 3958
Jesuss-Mac-Pro:~ neo echo -e “Successful Downloads:\t\t$(cat “$tmpf” | grep ‘“GET”’ | grep downloaded -c)”
Successful Downloads: 7129
the failed amount of downloads has increased substantially since the last update when compared to lets say seven days ago, failed downloads 288 successfull downloads 5883 should I be looking into an issue on my end or is it something else.
9 posts were split to a new topic: Is there any way I can request the network to move the data from my wonky node A to B and/or C
10 posts were split to a new topic: Since this update, I am getting an incredibly number of upload and download “failed” entries in my log
2 posts were split to a new topic: What I have to change in the config .yaml to keep a ongoing copy of the node logs forever
Is there a location that tells us what and when we should change and remove from out config file?
Sounds like we need to remove something for it for kademlia, could if we wanted to remove the concurrent sessions limit, and I bet there are others.
Not everyone is a programmer so when code changes I have no clue what to do and when.
Hi @littleskunk, I’ve noticed this graceful exit in my logs, I didn’t initiate anything but should I be worried?
I’ll try and grab the full log message tonight.
Right at the beginning of the log the storage node will print out deprecated config settings and what you should use instead.
Thats why we have this changelog topic in the forum
Perfect. Everything else doesn’t matter. You will find some idle messages from the graceful exit worker. Don’t worry about that.
Updated my config.yaml and removed the concurrent Requests today.
Does the new grpc setup already run on v24.5?
I am wondering my Synology is still only on low load.
Should i restart the Node after removing the concurrent Requests in the config.yaml?
I don´t have concurrent connections set on config.yaml and still I get connection rejected warnings!
Where are these coming from?
Look into this post: