Is there a way to have a more detailed report on how the node is doing?

@Alexey One more question: is there a way to have a more detailed report on how the node is doing? When I was using it in linux there was the possibility to have more information regarding the success rate for example. Is that possible even when storagenode is installed through the windows installer? Is there anything similar to the success rate script?

thank you

You can don’t believe me, but the same scripts (look for options when your log in the file).
The default log location is "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log" (powershell) or "%ProgramFiles%\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.log" (cmd.exe).

Also, you can use the API storagenode as well:

And of course, the Web dashboard: Dashboard - Storj Docs

@Alexey Your answer is not totally clear to me.

With the below sentence you are telling me where I could check the logs, correct?

You can don’t believe me, but the same scripts (look for options when your log in the file).
The default log location is "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log" (powershell) or "%ProgramFiles%\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.log" (cmd.exe).

I believe that by checking the logs manually I will have no chance to understand how high is the success rate of my node. As script is much more useful (and for linux it was available).

Whereas, when you refer to the “Storage node dashboard API” it is not clear to me if it works even if I am not using docker anymore. As you suggested in the previous messages I have now installed the node using the Windows Installer, that I believe (but please correct me if I am wrong) does not work with docker. If it works even with my current installed version how should I use that command? Just copy paste in cmd.exe or should I use the powershell? I am a bit confused on how this API should work.

I am using the dashboard, still it is not providing any information about the success rate of my node. On a further note it is not clear what is meant with “Disk Space Used This Month”: is that meant for the whole storj network? For sure the value that is showed on my browser is way too high for my computer, so I guess it is referring to the whole storj network.

Once more, thank you very much for your time.

We will use a powershell.

For the Windows installer the log by default is located in the "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log", so to run this script:

.\audits_satellites.ps1 -Path "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log"

For the

  1. Download a script successrate.ps1 (or clone the repository GitHub - AlexeyALeonov/success_rate: Success rate for storagenode (Storj V3) and navigate to the success_rate folder)
  2. Open a powershell in the folder with the successrate.ps1 script and execute
.\successrate.ps1 -Path "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log"

For the storagenode API you can use this command:

((curl | ConvertFrom-Json) | %{"$_"; ((curl$_).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.audit}

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