New dashboard project for SNO

If you add “/index.php” to the end of the url - does it work ?

it returns me “No input file specified.”
i have download the .php files and i put them in C:\storjdashboard_server\

I will message you privatly to go through fix


What do you mean by this:

I’m also not sure what you mean here

We could implement this in table format to start with

This is possible yes


I wouldn’t be too sure. As far as I’m aware, this data isn’t stored in the node databases. So I can’t imagine where the API would get it from. If you do find it, please let me know and I’ll go digging again.

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Hi @BrightSilence

Yeah I’m also not aware anything in the API, but as the dashboard is able to hold previous data there will be the ability to compare on a 10 minute basis, but yes not 100% accurate as ingress and deletes may have happened within that window that wouldn’t be picked up


Even if you could get an accurate measure that way, you can’t know if it’s because of deletes or garbage collection. Though I guess both have the same result, so that doesn’t matter as much. But any 10 minute window will have lots of ingress. It’ll be rare to see a reduction in storage happen. Additionally, GBh is updated much less frequently (once or twice a day usually) so it’s pretty impossible to compare storage sizes unless you keep a history of total stored on your end. (The node databases don’t have a history for that)

true ! hmmmmm might not be something possible for now then

Can only to identify drops in satellite storage but wouldn’t be able to identify what caused it

Not sure how to do fancy replies like you guys, but for:

by showing an aggregated graph much how the built-in storj is
I mean storj has the default SNO dashboard per node, which shows the bandwidth, egress/ingress right? I meant having one but it combines all of the nodes into a single graph, hence aggregated. And then on the same one, having options to choose payouts, ingress, egress, total storage, bandwidth for all of them on a central graph would be useful.

then it has buttons for ingress/egress and one to switch to earned amount
The default SNO storj graph has those cute buttons to switch ingress/egress views, same idea, something like that to toggle between modes.

My biggest gripe right now is it’s hard to get a clear picture of everything without going onto the page of each node and adding it up. I feel like the whole point is to be able to see the combined totals right away.

Then as a cherry on top, being able to filter out certain node data (say with a dropdown where you can check nodes on/off) from being shown on the mother-of-all-graphs. My idea/food for thought is having a big, central graph that can show you any combination of data, for any range for any combination of nodes as you please. And then if you want to see more information simaltenasly (like multiple graphs on a page) you can go to that node’s specific page.

For the deletes - good point regarding the 10 minutes may not be enough, I don’t know how much load/space it takes, but why not keep a local total amount of disk used updated every 10seconds, and as soon as a dip is recorded, you add it to a counter. Then every 10 minutes you can check if there was any decrease recorded, if yes, you push it to the online DB you guys use, otherwise nothing. I’d imagine this would be feasible without placing more load realistically? And exposes a really cool feature that’s not innately in Storj

My job is a full-stack software dev, so I realize how much work this is potentially (react/nodejs based so I don’t think I can offer help - but I would love to!), I’m just throwing ideas for you guys to improve this, and see if othere SNO’s agree/disagree lol

A really big alert I would legitimately ask you guys add is if a version is too old. Like with my windows nodes, they don’t auto-update (other than the main one) so I’m always paranoid they drop too many versions behind. I try not to update every time because that means a bit more downtime, and a lot more file walker processes each time. So say storj updates the nodes to a new version, and you see that my current nodes are on the limit of being kicked out (any older and no ingress/disqualification) send out an alert telling me I need to get on that

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Honestly, as long as I can see how much data I’m loosing from my disk I would be happy, for my purposes (and due to limitations of storj software) I don’t really care/matter why that data was removed from my disk just that it did and how much

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Just use the quote button.

Try the multinode dashboard: [Tech Preview] Multinode Dashboard Binaries

The multinode dashboard could need a lot of help.

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Thanks @thelastspark !

A mother of all graphs sounds like a good idea!

I’ve added those other suggestions and the graph to a working document to look into, the next update will have combined earnings visible and also maybe able to add Storj version update notifications too.

Thanks again for the suggestions !


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At the risk of forum sliding:

Honestly, setting it up seems like such a pain that I just don’t even want to touch it (on a windows machine).

Is it reactJS/NodeJS (or just vanilla html/css/js)? If it is I can offer help, otherwise not so much…

I have done the setup long time ago since then I rarely check the dashboards of a single node. I don’t recall that the setup was hard:

maybe multinode --help is also helpful.
You first create a multinode identity like for a node, then you run multinode setup against the identity, this creates the config. Then you run multinode against the config and identity. It is very much like creating a new node. You can run everything with Powershell.

I run this on Windows as well and had a .bat file, now a .ps file that simply executes the run command with identity and config as arguments and voila. After that you can reach the multinode dashboard with any browser from any client on the network. The app runs background like as server.

It is generally very nice but lacks a lot features, some of them very basic. It is very sad that Storj obviously has no resources currently to improve this app. (@bre: It is really really required to improve this app, some things are really terrible and need to be improved and Storj should not rely on that the community solves these problems).

I have no idea. I am not a coder. But it is Open Source on Github like anything else so you would need to check for yourself: storj/multinode at main · storj/storj · GitHub
and this: storj/web/multinode at main · storj/storj · GitHub


Thank you for tagging me.
I’ll relay this to the team.

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It looks like there is vue involved, so sadly I won’t be able to contribute effectively…

We’ve updated visibility for what updates have or are happening soon, and also voting on plans or changes to the dashboard

Kind regards

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Great updates, hope to see more (features and users lol)!

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@ItsHass Hi, I set everything up according to the windows manual, it works great, but it doesn’t show data about audit, suspension, online, both for a single node and for all together.

Wait some hour to update the data.l
Node 1 is wrong the 28968, change t to 28000