Question about vetting. I got some blank spots in my understanding

Hi all!
My five nodes (16TB total) are close to running for one month. There were problems with uptime, two times. Once I didn’t update for too long (didn’t know about that) and just didn’t receive any ingress, and yesterday for 12h because my ISP decided to change my IP (I know about DynDNS, but this is something my ISP can’t get working straight either, gonna investigate on that later). But all in all, all my nodes were up most of the time and no bigger problems have occured.

Anyhow up to my “problem”:

I’ve read a lot about the “vetting” process. Seems to be some kind of qualification process from the individual satelites.
What I know (think I know):
Each satellite vetts a node on its own.
It takes 100 positive tests to get a node fully vetted, per satellite.

What happens after a node is fully vetted? Does traffic rise? I only get a couple of GB of downstream to my nodes per day (combined!), is this normal for “unvetted” nodes? How will/might it look after 100% vetting?

Am I even using this word corret? :smiley:

I’d be very thankful if someone could shed some light into the dark.

Have a nice week!

If someone has the same questions, there are some answers in this post: After setup the storj node do I get real data stright away?

Kinda sucks to find out that five nodes will take half a year to be vetted…

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You should not have started 5 nodes at the same time. If I were you I would kill 4 nodes and start the next node once the first node is fully vetted.

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I am on the edge of doing that. Are there any cons? Expect loosing 4/5th of the time for vetting that was already done.

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That is not correct.

5 nodes will not take much longer then 1 node. There is a minimum number of audits that every node will get as soon as it stores at least 1 piece. 1 node can get a few more audits if it holds more data. I don’t think this makes a huge difference for unvetted nodes. The minimum number of audits should have an bigger impact at the end.


long answer: After setup the storj node do I get real data stright away?


This contradicts what we’ve been told from Storjlings here in the past.

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Software changes during the time, my information was outdated.
Now the vetting is working differently.


It’s possible my information is outdated as well, but those audits for unvetted nodes account for only 1 piece out of up to 80 total, since the rest would just lift along. While it helps in my experience the number of audits is still highly correlated with the amount of data stored. Which means vetting one by one would get the first few nodes vetted a lot faster.

But please correct me if I’m wrong or this info is outdated.


Hey guys - using this thread as I didn’t find an answer.
I’ve opened a new node in a different location - it’s running for over 2 days now, also got the latests update 1.5 days ago but it looks like I don’t get any vetting. Have a look here:

This looks all good:

========== AUDIT ============== 
Critically failed:     0 
Critical Fail Rate:    0.000%
Recoverable failed:    0 
Recoverable Fail Rate: 0.000%
Successful:            0 
Success Rate:          0.000%
========== DOWNLOAD =========== 
Failed:                0 
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Canceled:              0 
Cancel Rate:           0.000%
Successful:            137 
Success Rate:          100.000%
========== UPLOAD ============= 
Rejected:              0 
Acceptance Rate:       100.000%
---------- accepted ----------- 
Failed:                0 
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Canceled:              1 
Cancel Rate:           0.008%
Successful:            12475 
Success Rate:          99.992%
========== REPAIR DOWNLOAD ==== 
Failed:                0 
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Canceled:              0 
Cancel Rate:           0.000%
Successful:            0 
Success Rate:          0.000%
========== REPAIR UPLOAD ====== 
Failed:                0 
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Canceled:              1 
Cancel Rate:           0.017%
Successful:            6031 
Success Rate:          99.983%
========== DELETE ============= 
Failed:                0 
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Successful:            1554 
Success Rate:          100.000% says also 0% vetted:

November 2020 (Version: 9.4.1)						[snapshot: 2020-11-11 08:51:29Z]
Upload			Ingress		-not paid-			     6.61 GB
Upload Repair		Ingress		-not paid-			    11.70 GB
Download		Egress		20   USD / TB			    94.37 MB	      0.00 USD
Download Repair		Egress		10   USD / TB			     0.00  B	      0.00 USD
Download Audit		Egress		10   USD / TB			     0.00  B	      0.00 USD
Disk Current		Storage		-not paid-	    17.53 GB
Disk Average Month	Storage		1.50 USD / TBm	   255.12 MBm			      0.00 USD
Disk Usage		Storage		-not paid-	   183.68 GBh
Total							   255.12 MBm	    18.41 GB	      0.00 USD
Estimated total by end of month				   738.11 MBm	    53.26 GB	      0.01 USD

Payout and held amount by satellite:
us-central-1	2020-11-09     1   75%	    0.00 USD	  0.0003 USD	  0.0002 USD	  0.0001 USD
    Status 0% Vetted >Audit[0.0% DQ|0.0% Susp] >Up[100.00%]
europe-west-1	2020-11-09     1   75%	    0.00 USD	  0.0005 USD	  0.0004 USD	  0.0001 USD
    Status 0% Vetted >Audit[0.0% DQ|0.0% Susp] >Up[100.00%]
europe-north-1	2020-11-09     1   75%	    0.00 USD	  0.0000 USD	  0.0000 USD	  0.0000 USD
    Status 0% Vetted >Audit[0.0% DQ|0.0% Susp] >Up[100.00%]
asia-east-1	2020-11-09     1   75%	    0.00 USD	  0.0002 USD	  0.0002 USD	  0.0001 USD
    Status 0% Vetted >Audit[0.0% DQ|0.0% Susp] >Up[100.00%]
saltlake	2020-11-09     1   75%	    0.00 USD	  0.0012 USD	  0.0009 USD	  0.0003 USD
    Status 0% Vetted >Audit[0.0% DQ|0.0% Susp] >Up[100.00%]
TOTAL					    0.00 USD	  0.0023 USD	  0.0017 USD	  0.0006 USD

Any idea why or is that normal :slight_smile:


I would guess that you accidentally used the same identity for both nodes, so one is getting all the data. Pure guess.

But I created a new one, same email address but also signed it etc… so it also gets traffic, shows online etc.

OK, in that case zero audit does seem low but I’d wait a bit before panic sets in

:slight_smile: Good point, I’m not panicking… I ran two other nodes on one Synology device for a while so last time vetting is like a year ago almost. And I remember it took a while, but didn’t think that it takes more than 2 days before the first audit comes in…
Again - dashboard etc. all looks good, no indication something doesnt work. Traffic comes in, suspension / audit nothing shows up, yeserday 4 GB ingress and 6 GB repair… so all normal.
Just wondering why no audits :slight_smile:

You are an old SNO so you should know audits are at random. You can’t predict when your first audit will occur. It’s been 1.5 days and it takes ~ month to get 100 audits.

Yeah I’ve been around since v2 and I’m aware of it being random, but in my head it was roughly a month as you say… and then I was like ok … 30 days… in 2.5 days no audit. Maybe strange.
Just asking, not complaining or so - but want to make sure it’s all setup the right way as my last setup was like a year ago :slight_smile:

I understand. As your new node gets 5% of the data so the probability of it being audit sooner is less than node with more data.

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The more data you store, the more chance there is to get audited. It’s not surprising to have close to zero audits during the first days.


saltlake just gave me the first audit… Problem solved, didn’t realize the obvious connection between I need to have more files that actually can be audited :slight_smile:


How is it possible, that:
/ storagenode reports this:
========== AUDIT ==============
Critically failed: 0
Critical Fail Rate: 0.000%
Recoverable failed: 0
Recoverable Fail Rate: 0.000%
Successful: 1
Success Rate: 100.000%

and for sat in docker exec -i storagenode wget -qO - localhost:14002/api/sno | jq .satellites[].id -r; do docker exec -i storagenode wget -qO - localhost:14002/api/sno/satellite/$sat | jq .id,.audit; reports this:
“totalCount”: 7,
“successCount”: 7,
“alpha”: 6.731591,
“beta”: 0,
“unknownAlpha”: 6.731591,
“unknownBeta”: 0,
“score”: 1,
“unknownScore”: 1
-> The other satellites have not vetted yet.

Just wondering how this is happening and what to trust…